Online Dating Profile Writing Service for Men & Women

Romance Swipers & Scammers: 8 Ways to Spot a Fake Online Dating Profile

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RomanceSwipers & Scammers: 8 Ways to Spot a Fake Online Dating Profile

Are you wondering if your match made in heaven is too good to be true?

Find Real Matches!

Modern online dating has become a wonderfully convenient way to meet potential matches, but it is also an overflowing market for scammers, catfish, and bots. So, when you want to spot the fakes without turning away real matches, you need to learn the common tells of the imposters.

Many people turn away from online dating completely, simply due to having too many interactions with robots, trick profiles, and people who lie about who they are. Unfortunately for them, these people get frustrated and end up walking away from their potential matches.

Don’t let these fake profiles run you away from finding your future partner.

Work with our team and get your profile customized to start matching you with real, quality people perfectly suited to your personality!

You’ll have so many real matches you won’t have to spend a second longer on suspicious profiles!

With bots getting smarter and scammers getting craftier, keeping up
to date on the latest ploys can mean the difference between further
frustration and finding your perfect match!

1. Only one photo

No matter how perfectly one photo might be able to sum you up, you know better than only adding one picture to your profile.

This one is a pretty obvious red flag. Having only one picture likely means the profile is a fake and the person who set it up could not find more than one photo to use.

Similarly, if there are multiple photos added but they don’t really look like they are of the same person, it’s another warning sign that you are looking at a fake profile.

2. Professional or stock photos

If your new match looks like they could be a model, maybe take a bit of a deeper look.

Many scammers use attractive stock images when setting up their fake profiles to try to make their made up person seem more appealing.

Sometimes, it can be easy to spot a stock photo because it looks a bit too professional or posed, it has too blank of a background, or it just looks a bit unnatural. You can even run reverse image searches that can lead you back to the source of the photo.

But when those go unnoticed, you have to go deeper to recognize a fake.

3. Unfinished bio

Don’t convince yourself that your new match’s barely-filled-in bio means they are just the strong, silent type.
When you come across an unfinished profile, you should be wary. If the bio belongs to a real person, best-case scenario is that they are just lazy and did not care enough to fill in the entire space.

Not the best match material anyway…

And more likely, it belongs to a bot or otherwise unseemly character that is only there to take advantage of the naive.

4. Weird wording

When their profile reads like an awkward, auto-generated conversation… it probably is.

Even the worst, self-proclaimed bad writers can manage to string together coherent paragraphs about themselves. If the wording is very disjointed and almost confusing, the profile is probably a robotic one.

Don’t waste your time on these.

Some people might start dating robots in the near future, but let’s just report their accounts for now.

5. Disjointed conversations

Chatting with someone who can’t hold a conversation might point to a bigger issue than him or her just being lazy or a bad texter.

If a dater strikes up a conversation with you that begins to sound erratic or doesn’t really have a natural flow, you may be dealing with a fake account. If the account is using a bot system, no matter how simple the conversation, it will be obvious before long.

Even the scams that set up attractive and flirty women’s profiles, which are made to sound casual and seductive so their matches overlook any weird wording, will be noticeable within a few messages.

And if you’re sick of interacting with bots just to make sure you’re not missing your chances at a real match – your profile needs a boost.

When you work with us you’ll be matched with your own personal expert that takes the time to learn who you are and cultivates a profile proven to get you more dates… and more real matches!
I Want An Expert!

6. Linking elsewhere

There is no good reason a person could have to be trying to get you to click a link and follow it to another site.

Many scammers use links to introduce viruses to your device, gain access to your system, or even learn your passwords.

Even if your swiper managed to come up with a reason that sounds as if it could be real like, “If you want to make sure I’m legit, check out my page” most dating sites allow you to add social accounts now so there would be no reason to need a separate link.

Don’t take the chance on clicking a link for a potential match. If they are a genuine person they won’t be bothered that you don’t want to click.

7. Won’t show their face

You’ve heard the stories and you’ve seen the shows… if they won’t show their face, consider it a major red flag!

If your match isn’t hiding anything and wants to get to know you, there is little that would get in their way of video chatting with you.

In the modern world, if your match has access to set up and maintain an online dating profile, they almost certainly have access to multiple ways they could video chat or show you their face without meeting in person.

Scammers and catfish end up compiling an entire catalog of excuses for why they can’t get on a video call, but there is no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt in the age of technology.

Your perfect match will want to meet on video as much as you do!

8. Finding excuses

Constant excuses and changes of plans not only points to behavior that would make an unreliable partner, but also to someone being less than truthful.

If your match ends up continually bailing and has a convenient excuse for everything, you should really reconsider any further contact with them.

Sure, there can be circumstances where that kind of behavior, once or twice, has a valid excuse.

If your match wants it to happen though, they will make it work rather than miss out on their chance to get to know you.

When you meet the right matches, everything will feel effortless and both sides will be trying to make it work.

Leave fake accounts behind

With scammers constantly thinking up new and unique ways to get what they want from unsuspecting online daters, it becomes more and more difficult to spot the fakes.

Many people don’t want to give up on finding their perfect match, so they give these imposter accounts multiple chances just on the small hope it is a genuine person on the other side.

This leads to frustration and takes away from the wonderful experiences online dating can provide.

When you want to improve your chances of meeting real people and making real connections, you need the help of our professional writers.

Start attracting hotties instead of botties!

Yes, I Want Real Matches!
 When you match with one of our expert writers, you will…
  • Be contacted by your personal expert within 24 hours of your order and set up an interview where they learn everything that makes you who you are.
  • Get professional advice on choosing five of the most eye- catching photos to attract your next match.
  • Receive your scroll-stopping bio, personally curated to give you more attention than you ever thought possible!
  • Get constant access to unparalleled professionals, including individual support and unlimited revisions from a team with over a decade of experience!

Leave these low-level scams in your past

If you’re sick of bots and fakes being the only ones in your inbox…
Let us help!