The Secrets to the Perfect
OkCupid Profile
Dating can be a challenge, but having the right profile can make the difference in your love life that you’ve been looking for!

The Secrets to the Perfect OkCupid Profile
Dating can be a challenge, but having the right profile can make the difference in your love life that you’ve been looking for!
Now let’s get into what will make you turn heads on OkCupid and
what will get you more dates with quality people! Here are five tips
for creating the perfect OkCupid profile.

02: Upload a variety of photos. As great as a headshot can be, people will want to see all aspects of your personality. For the other nine pictures on your profile, show off who you are! For example, maybe you like to read, surf, play guitar, or go horseback riding? Show pictures of yourself doing all those things! By seeing you in different situations, your potential partner will see all these sides of you and make them excited about getting to know more about you.
Attract Potential Dates by Letting Your Personality Shine
04: Be specific. Don’t answer the bio sections of your profile with one sentence answers. When OkCupid asks you to describe a perfect day, take your potential partners with you on that perfect day. When OkCupid asks you to talk about your current goals, dig deep and talk about what you are really striving for in life. Be specific and you are sure to draw in lots of interest.

Get Help Becoming Irresistible to OkCupid Daters
Let us be your friend! We won’t only look over your profile, but we will write it! We will use in-depth telephone interviews to create an irresistible profile that shows all of your best qualities. While creating an attractive OkCupid profile is no easy task, lucky for you, we are experts at this! We have helped over 35,000 singles with their online dating profiles, and we want to help you find dating success with our OkCupid dating profile writing services!
Profile Mistakes That Will Kill Your Vibe on OkCupid
Now that we’ve gone through the things that will make you magnetic on your OkCupid dating profile

let’s go through the 5 profile mistakes you don’t want to make.
01: Avoid using blurry pictures. People want to see who you are, so show them! Blurry pictures are a red flag and make it seem like you’re not putting effort into your account, while having a clear, crisp photo of yourself will show potential partners that you are serious about finding someone. Your photo is the first thing people will see on your profile, so make it count!
02: Don’t show only half your face in your pictures. Maybe you have a great left side and only want to show that angle in pictures, but that would be a big mistake to make on your profile. At the end of the day, a lot of people have been burned on dating sites, and they want to see that you are being completely transparent about who you are. OkCupid even allows you to upload pictures from Instagram to your profile, so choose your favorite full-face photo from your account and get started.
While you’re reading through these, are you getting scared you might be making these mistakes on your profile? Don’t sweat it! Our team will do only the best work when creating your profile. We’ve been writing dating profiles since 2009, so we know exactly what you will need! Now, let’s move on to more profile mistakes you want to avoid.
04: Don’t be shallow. Everyone wants to find someone that they can have an interesting conversation with. You don’t want to come off as utterly shallow on your OkCupid profile, as it will make potential partners think that you will be someone they will have to suffer through a conversation with. As important as an incredible profile picture can be, that alone will not attract great prospects to your profile. You have to show people that you’re interesting and have a full life. Share who you are as a person. What are your dreams? What do you care about? Attractive people with excellent pictures will be a dime a dozen on OkCupid, but someone who shows their depth won’t be nearly as common. You can stand out against the grain and make everyone want to send you and intro!
05: Leave your negative energy at home. Having a bad attitude is a turnoff for anyone who reads through your profile. OkCupid provides plenty of sections where you can talk about your life, so be positive! For example, let’s say you’re filling out the “I spend a lot of time thinking about” section. Don’t talk about the things you think about that make you miserable; talk about the things you love! Talk about your passions! It’s always exciting to see the glow in someone’s eyes when they talk about what excites them. So use the profile writing questions to the fullest and show them your glow!
Captivate Daters With the Help of Our Services
Every word on your dating profile can contribute to making a powerful first impression. While you may have incredible qualities, you might have trouble articulating them. That’s where we come in. Our dating experts can take everything that’s amazing about you and write you a profile that will make you stand out to the people coming across it. We know you’re amazing, and we want to help you showcase your unique self to your potential partners with our OkCupid profile writing services! Your soulmate is out there, don’t miss out on them just because your profile is lacking. Click here to learn more about our services.
Navigating the Dating World in 2019 | Psychology Today.
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