When you first meet someone, there are a lot of thoughts that run through your head. One of them might be this: will my guy respect me? Respect is a crucial part of any relationship and comes before anything else. As a woman, how can you know how much your guy respects you? And how do you know if he is genuine?
1.He says “I love you.”
Sure, this one is obvious. But it bears repeating because it’s so important. If a man tells you he loves you, but he’s disrespecting you or treating you badly, he doesn’t mean it. When a man loves someone, everything else follows. He will do anything to protect them and keep them happy. Even if he doesn’t say the words right away, watch his actions more than his words.
2. He asks for your advice … and takes it.
If a guy respects what you have to say and really values your opinion, he’ll ask for your advice on things that matter to him. And then he won’t just listen — he’ll actually take action on the advice you give him! This shows that not only does he trust your judgment, but also that your thoughts are important to him and worth acting upon.
3. He treats you like an equal
If your guy truly respects you, he will treat you as an equal in your relationship. He won’t be afraid to share his feelings or have deep conversations with you. Your opinions matter to him, and he values your advice.
4. He’s argumentative, not aggressive.
A man who respects you will argue with you, but he’ll do it respectfully. This means that even if he gets mad during the argument, he’ll never let things get out of hand by yelling at you, cursing at you or calling you names.
5. He’s honest
If your guy is always honest with you, then he respects you as a person. Honesty is the foundation of every relationship and if he truly cares about you, he will share everything with you, even his feelings and emotions.
6. He makes you smile
When a man loves and respects a woman, her happiness becomes his priority. He wants to spend time with her, make her laugh and do whatever it takes to put a smile on her face.
7. He doesn’t judge you
We all have flaws and we all make mistakes but when your guy doesn’t judge you for yours, he respects you as a person because he knows that no one is perfect. He accepts who you are and loves all your imperfections because they make you who you are.
8. He’ll go to bat for you.
Most people are intimidated by confrontation and tend to avoid it at all costs. So when a guy flat out tells someone off (whether it’s his boss, a friend, or even a complete stranger) because they disrespected you, it shows he’s willing to step outside his comfort zone and fight your battles for you. That’s true loyalty right there, ladies.
9. You’re his number one priority.
If he takes time out of his busy schedule to hang with you, tries to make plans for the weekend before he makes them with anyone else and includes you in important decisions in his life, that means he considers you a top priority in his life — even above himself at times.
10. He gives you space.
If he loves you, he’ll let you be yourself. Even more, he’ll encourage you to go out with your friends and have some time apart. That doesn’t mean that he needs to take a hike every time you want to hang out with your girls, but if you feel like he supports your lifestyle and the things that are important to you, it’s likely that he respects you.
11.He pays attention.
He might not know all the details about your life off the top of his head and that’s okay, but if he makes an effort to get to know more about who you are as a person (and as a partner), it’s because he actually cares about what’s going on in your life.
12.He stands up for himself and for you.
If he has no problem expressing how he feels, it means he has the confidence and respect for himself to do so, which is something that is really hard to find in men nowadays. He’ll also stand up for you when needed!
13.He respects your family and friends.
A guy who respects you will respect the people around you as well. If he trashes your friends or family, he’s not respecting them and he won’t respect you either.
14.He shares his feelings with you.
A guy who respects you will be open about how he’s feeling, even if it’s not always great. It takes a lot of trust to share negative emotions, so if he tells you what’s bothering him, he trusts you enough to respect you with his true feelings.
15. He doesn’t mind when you disagree with him.
Respecting someone means giving them room to have their own opinions, even when they don’t agree with yours. A guy who respects you will let you speak your mind freely and won’t try to push his own ideas on to you.
It’s often said that you can tell a lot about how a man feels about you based on how he treats you, and when it comes to dating, treating someone with respect is a must. Even if they’re not outwardly expressing it, there are signs that your guy respects you in his own way. And when it comes to the opposite of respect, there are plenty of ways your guy might be disrespecting you without realizing it. By keeping an eye out for these signs, you may be able to identify some blind spots and find some closure sooner rather than later. But remember that just because he is doing one of the things on this list does not automatically mean that he doesn’t respect you. It’s possible that he just might have fallen into one of these habits without even realizing it.