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14 Romantic Things Men Should Do For Women

Every man should have a list of important things he needs to do for his significant other. That’s because expressing your love to women is not just with words but also with your actions as well. It’s never too late to build a good foundation that can help you stand strong in the relationship.

1.Create a memory that includes both of you together.

One way to do this is with a photo album or scrapbook that documents your time together so far as a couple. Another idea is to take pictures of both of you together at special times throughout the year, such as on Valentine’s Day, at Christmas and on your anniversary. Put them all together in a photo album at the end of the year and make it part of an annual tradition that helps create new memories each year with your significant

2. Get her something personal.

When it comes to choosing romantic gifts for women, you don’t have to think big and expensive. If you want to get something personal and meaningful, then think about something she’ll actually use rather than just decorate the house with. For instance, a new set of handbags or jewelry is something she’ll love but probably won’t buy for herself. Get her an item that’s practical she can wear or carry every day or get her something she can enjoy alone or with friends — like a massage or other spa treatment.

3. Offer to help around the house.

Every woman wants a man who is willing to help out around the house sometimes. It doesn’t matter if he’s not so good at sweeping or putting away laundry; he’s trying and that’s what matters.

4. Give her your jacket when she’s cold.

Most girls have this fantasy of being wrapped up in their man’s big warm jacket and feeling protected while they walk down the street. If you see your girl is cold, take off your jacket (if it’s not freezing outside) and give it to her. Even if she refuses at first, insist on her wearing it anyway because she looks cute in it.

5. Hold the door for her.

It might seem like a tiny gesture, but the simple act of holding the door open for your girl can make her feel special. Not only does it show that you are thoughtful and considerate, but also attentive at recognizing when someone needs help — which is always sexy! It’s not just doors either — hold out chairs for her, help her carry heavy things, etc…

6. Give her an unexpected gift.

No matter what kind of relationship you’re in, it’s always nice when the other person does something for you that you weren’t expecting. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on your girlfriend, but a little surprise here and there can go a long way towards making her feel loved.

7. Tell her you love her

If telling your partner that you love her is not enough, then there are plenty of other ways that a man can show his romantic side. One way is to do something special for her, such as taking on a chore around the house that she usually does, or cooking dinner for her in the evening. Take out all the usual stops; light candles, lay out a nice tablecloth, play soft music in the background. If she isn’t expecting it at all, all the better!

8. Cook for her

If she is the type that makes your meal when you both are home, then why not make hers this time? It is a great way to show her how much you appreciate her and how much she means to you. If possible, turn it into a candlelight dinner by creating a romantic ambiance in the dining room or living room. This will definitely make her feel special.

Let her have the last bite of dessert. It is well-known that women love chocolate, but don’t forget about other sweet treats. If you are sharing a dessert, let her have the last bite, every time.

9. Surprise her with tickets to see a movie she’s been wanting to see.

If she mentions a movie she wants to see, buy tickets for the two of you and surprise her by taking her out for the evening. She’ll be impressed with how thoughtful the gesture is, especially if she didn’t expect to see the movie until it was on DVD or streaming online.

10. Give her a foot massage when she is tired.

Help her relieve stress by giving her a back rub or a foot massage. You don’t have to be an expert at this. Just give it your best effort, and if it isn’t perfect, she’ll appreciate the gesture.

11. Tell her she is beautiful.

This is one of the most romantic things you can do for a woman. Most women want to be told they are beautiful by their man at least once in their lives (preferably daily). And it doesn’t matter if you’re saying it because you think it’s true or because you want something from her (although I’m sure she’ll want to know what it is you want). Men need to learn that saying “I love you” is not always enough. While it’s nice, when was the last time you told your partner that? Tell her she is beautiful instead. She will be more likely to believe it if you tell her than if she has to hear it from someone else.

12. Notice little things about her.

Most women love it when their boyfriends notice little changes in their appearance and compliment them. If she got a new haircut or bought a new shirt, tell her you noticed and ask her if she’s trying to impress someone special. She’ll love knowing that you’re paying attention to what she does.

13. Write her a love letter … by hand.

There’s something special about a handwritten note that makes it feel more personal and sincere than an email or text message. But don’t just write “I love you!” Write about your feelings for her and how she makes you feel. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy — just straight from the heart.

14. Take her out on actual dates, not just “hanging out.”

It’s not enough to see each other every day if you’re not going out once in a while. A date doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate — take her to the movies or ice skating, or even make dinner at home together — as long as it’s special time set aside just for her.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, I truly believe that being romantic is good for the mind, body and soul. I also believe that women deserve to be pampered sometimes as well! Life gets busy sometimes, so try to pick one or two of these ideas and surprise your loved one! You’ll make their day!

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14 Romantic Things Men Should Do For Women

Every man should have a list of important things he needs to do for his significant other. That’s because expressing your love to women is not just with words but also with your actions as well. It’s never too late to build a good foundation that can help you stand strong in the relationship.

1.Create a memory that includes both of you together.

One way to do this is with a photo album or scrapbook that documents your time together so far as a couple. Another idea is to take pictures of both of you together at special times throughout the year, such as on Valentine’s Day, at Christmas and on your anniversary. Put them all together in a photo album at the end of the year and make it part of an annual tradition that helps create new memories each year with your significant

2. Get her something personal.

When it comes to choosing romantic gifts for women, you don’t have to think big and expensive. If you want to get something personal and meaningful, then think about something she’ll actually use rather than just decorate the house with. For instance, a new set of handbags or jewelry is something she’ll love but probably won’t buy for herself. Get her an item that’s practical she can wear or carry every day or get her something she can enjoy alone or with friends — like a massage or other spa treatment.

3. Offer to help around the house.

Every woman wants a man who is willing to help out around the house sometimes. It doesn’t matter if he’s not so good at sweeping or putting away laundry; he’s trying and that’s what matters.

4. Give her your jacket when she’s cold.

Most girls have this fantasy of being wrapped up in their man’s big warm jacket and feeling protected while they walk down the street. If you see your girl is cold, take off your jacket (if it’s not freezing outside) and give it to her. Even if she refuses at first, insist on her wearing it anyway because she looks cute in it.

5. Hold the door for her.

It might seem like a tiny gesture, but the simple act of holding the door open for your girl can make her feel special. Not only does it show that you are thoughtful and considerate, but also attentive at recognizing when someone needs help — which is always sexy! It’s not just doors either — hold out chairs for her, help her carry heavy things, etc…

6. Give her an unexpected gift.

No matter what kind of relationship you’re in, it’s always nice when the other person does something for you that you weren’t expecting. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on your girlfriend, but a little surprise here and there can go a long way towards making her feel loved.

7. Tell her you love her

If telling your partner that you love her is not enough, then there are plenty of other ways that a man can show his romantic side. One way is to do something special for her, such as taking on a chore around the house that she usually does, or cooking dinner for her in the evening. Take out all the usual stops; light candles, lay out a nice tablecloth, play soft music in the background. If she isn’t expecting it at all, all the better!

8. Cook for her

If she is the type that makes your meal when you both are home, then why not make hers this time? It is a great way to show her how much you appreciate her and how much she means to you. If possible, turn it into a candlelight dinner by creating a romantic ambiance in the dining room or living room. This will definitely make her feel special.

Let her have the last bite of dessert. It is well-known that women love chocolate, but don’t forget about other sweet treats. If you are sharing a dessert, let her have the last bite, every time.

9. Surprise her with tickets to see a movie she’s been wanting to see.

If she mentions a movie she wants to see, buy tickets for the two of you and surprise her by taking her out for the evening. She’ll be impressed with how thoughtful the gesture is, especially if she didn’t expect to see the movie until it was on DVD or streaming online.

10. Give her a foot massage when she is tired.

Help her relieve stress by giving her a back rub or a foot massage. You don’t have to be an expert at this. Just give it your best effort, and if it isn’t perfect, she’ll appreciate the gesture.

11. Tell her she is beautiful.

This is one of the most romantic things you can do for a woman. Most women want to be told they are beautiful by their man at least once in their lives (preferably daily). And it doesn’t matter if you’re saying it because you think it’s true or because you want something from her (although I’m sure she’ll want to know what it is you want). Men need to learn that saying “I love you” is not always enough. While it’s nice, when was the last time you told your partner that? Tell her she is beautiful instead. She will be more likely to believe it if you tell her than if she has to hear it from someone else.

12. Notice little things about her.

Most women love it when their boyfriends notice little changes in their appearance and compliment them. If she got a new haircut or bought a new shirt, tell her you noticed and ask her if she’s trying to impress someone special. She’ll love knowing that you’re paying attention to what she does.

13. Write her a love letter … by hand.

There’s something special about a handwritten note that makes it feel more personal and sincere than an email or text message. But don’t just write “I love you!” Write about your feelings for her and how she makes you feel. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy — just straight from the heart.

14. Take her out on actual dates, not just “hanging out.”

It’s not enough to see each other every day if you’re not going out once in a while. A date doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate — take her to the movies or ice skating, or even make dinner at home together — as long as it’s special time set aside just for her.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, I truly believe that being romantic is good for the mind, body and soul. I also believe that women deserve to be pampered sometimes as well! Life gets busy sometimes, so try to pick one or two of these ideas and surprise your loved one! You’ll make their day!

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