Everything seemed great in your relationship. You have a lot of things in common with your girlfriend, she’s gorgeous, and you really enjoy spending time together. But something about her just doesn’t seem right…at all. In fact, there are red flags galore, and now you’re beginning to question if this woman is right for you.
1. She never sacrifices for you.
If she never gives, then she’ll never love. The woman who is really right for you, will understand your sacrifices and will make sacrifices of her own for you and your relationship. She won’t be selfish or take advantage of you or your goodness. You should be able to trust her and know that she’ll support you as best as she can through both good and bad times.
2. She’s a bad listener.
When she doesn’t pay attention to what you say, or worse doesn’t remember it later, it’s a sign that she’s not interested in you as much as she makes out. She interrupts you when you speak, and changes the subject quickly when you try to open up to her – these are all signs of disinterest, and they should be taken seriously.
3. She hides things from you.
We’re not talking about secrets here, we’re talking about everyday stuff like phone calls, emails, shopping receipts and so on. If she keeps secrets from you, and lies about it when confronted, this girl is not for you!
4. She takes advantage of your kindness.
Does she use your generous nature against you? Does she make demands of your time, knowing how hard you work? If so, this is a girl who is probably feeling like she can get away with just about anything with you because she knows how nice and kind-hearted you are.
5.She doesn’t respect your boundaries.
A great girlfriend will make you feel comfortable and be respectful of your boundaries. If she’s always crossing your boundaries and becomes angry when you push back, this is a red flag.
6.She’s too clingy.
Yes, being in love can lead to becoming clingy and attached. But if she constantly needs you to respond to her texts, calls and messages, it can make it difficult for you to maintain other relationships in your life or focus on your own personal goals and ambitions.
7.She’s rude to your friends and family.
It doesn’t matter how much you love her, if she can’t get along with your friends and family – who you obviously care about a lot – then it’s never going to work out. It doesn’t matter if she thinks they’re too loud, too quiet or too silly. If she can’t find a way to make them feel included and welcome, then they’ll never accept her into your life and she will always feel like an outsider.
8. She’s too dramatic.
There is drama all around us, but when it comes to our relationships we need to keep things simple. Life is complicated enough as it is; dating should be fun, not stressful. A good relationship can enhance your life, but a bad one can have the opposite effect. No matter how amazing a woman may be, if she causes problems for you at work and with your friends and family, you need to get out of there before things get worse.
9. She’s emotionally unavailable to you.
It’s true that the best relationship are based on a profound connection between two people, but I think if you’re going to be in a serious relationship, then both partners have to be willing to be open and communicative with one another. And it seems like that’s not the case here.
10. She manipulates you.
Manipulation is a very common red flag in a girlfriend. Manipulation is when someone tries to get you to do what they want by emotional blackmail and other underhanded tactics. It’s an attempt to control without consent.
11.She doesn’t support you
If our girlfriend says things like “Why do you have to work so much?” or “Why are you friends with him?” she’s not supporting you. Everyone has their own way of living, and if she can’t accept that, maybe it’s time to move on.
12. She’s always late.
If your girlfriend regularly makes plans with you or asks for favors but then doesn’t show up or follow through, she’s not respecting your time. It takes time for most people to become a couple, so why waste time on someone who isn’t willing to put in any effort?
13. She’s disrespectful
If your girlfriend has little regard for your feelings, she’s being disrespectful and it might be time to end the relationship. A good relationship includes respect from both parties, and anything less is unacceptable.
14. She’s always accusing you of cheating.
One of the biggest red flags in a relationship is when your girlfriend gets insecure about other women. It’s one thing to be aware of other girls flirting with you but if she gets angry at you for talking to a female coworker or looking at another girl then she’s being controlling. This can cause a lot of tension in the relationship, not to mention you may start feeling like you can’t express yourself freely around her.
15. She Doesn’t Show Affection In Public
If your girlfriend is embarrassed by you, she’s not proud to be with you. This is a sign that she doesn’t really care about how you feel or how important the relationship is to you. If this is the case, it’s time to find someone who does care about being with you and does want to show affection in public.
This can also mean that she feels like it’s too soon for you guys to be so affectionate in public. You should ask her when it would be okay for her to show affection in public. That way, she’ll understand that it’s important to you that she shows affection in public, but you’re willing to give her time to get there.
When you find a new girl that you are interested in, it is super fun because it’s new. It’s exciting when someone likes you back. You get all these positive emotions filling you up and making you act in a way that’s not who you really are. You need to be smart about this and watch out for the red flag signs.