You’ve found the one. But, you’re not 100% sure. Luckily, there are some things you can tell yourself to determine whether or not he is indeed your forever person.
1.You can be yourself around them
This isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s something that happens over time, as you get more comfortable with each other and learn to let go of all of your inhibitions. It’s something that only happens when they truly accept you for who you are and don’t try to change anything about you. And once it happens, it’s clear that they’re the one.
2.They understand what makes you tick
Again, this takes time to develop in a relationship but it’s possible even in brand new relationships where the two of you are on the same page and just get each other. They know when to push your buttons and when not to.
3.They help you see the best in yourself.
When you spend time with this person, they help you see the best in yourself — not just as a partner or lover, but as an individual. They show you what really matters and give you the encouragement to pursue it.
4.They Love You For Who You Are
You don’t have to pretend to be someone else around them. You can be whoever you want to be and they’ll love it. They remind you that no one is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes, so there’s no reason for you to put on an act for their sake.
5.They’re consistent.
When you first meet someone, they’re on their best behavior. They make an effort with you because they want to impress you — and that’s great! But if they’re consistently kind and considerate toward others too, that’s a good sign that these positive qualities are genuine parts of their personality.
6.They make you feel safe.
Whether it’s the first time they lay eyes on you or the first time they’re letting you into their home, your partner should make you feel like you belong. They should make you feel safe and protected, not vulnerable and exposed.
7.They respect your opinions even when they differ from their own.
Respect is a major foundation for any healthy relationship; if you don’t have that, then everything else will crumble beneath it. If your partner cannot respect your opinions, even if they differ from their own, then it’s a huge red flag that something isn’t right in this relationship. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and feelings — no matter how much you may disagree with them — so don’t ever let anyone make you question your beliefs or feelings.
8. They’re friends with the people you love and trust most.
If your forever person is friends with the people who are important to you — your family, closest friends, etc. — then that’s a pretty good sign that they’re someone special to keep around. It means they want to be a part of all aspects of your life and that they’re willing to make an effort to get along with the people who matter most to you.
9.They make you feel special.
If your partner treats you like the most important person in the world — without smothering you — they’re a keeper.
10.They encourage you to try new things.
Whether it’s a new food or a new activity, your significant other wants you to see all the amazing things this world has to offer. They’re open-minded enough to try something new, and they’re excited for you when you do!
11.You never have to wonder if you’re their priority.
They’re excited to see you no matter the circumstances. You don’t have to be wearing the perfect outfit or make sure your hair is done just right or even be in a good mood for them to want to be around you. You could be having a really bad day and they’ll still want to come over and hang out with you
12.You laugh, a lot.
You don’t have to be laughing at the same thing or even in the same room. It’s just that laughter is such an intimate and lovely expression of happiness that it shows you’re both in a very good place.
13.You finish each other’s sentences.
It’s all about knowing someone so well that you can predict what they want to say next and jump in with the next sentence before they get there. People who are truly connected, like married couples, tend to do this from time to time. They’ve heard every story and know how it ends, so why wait?
14.Your futures are aligned.
Are you both looking at similar timelines for marriage? Do you want to buy a house together? When will you want kids? Are you thinking about retirement at the same time?
15.You have similar values.
This is an important aspect of any relationship, but especially so when talking about long-term commitments. You want to be with someone who shares your hopes and dreams for the future, whether it’s planning for retirement or passing on your religion or traditions to children. Differences on these issues can cause major rifts in relationships and even lead to divorce.
16.You have fun together.
A huge part of being in love is just enjoying each other’s company. When you’re with the person you love, you should feel like yourselves — no pretense, no pressure to be anyone or anything other than who you are. That doesn’t mean that every moment has to be wildly exciting; it just means that even mundane tasks like doing laundry or cleaning out the garage can be fun when they’re done together.
If you’re looking for the key to a successful relationship, this is it. Enjoying each other’s company is really the only prerequisite to being together. The rest just sort of falls into place and grows over time. Love is a weird thing, and there’s no guarantee that it will ever happen to you. But there are certainly some things that can increase the likelihood of finding your perfect person.