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Signs He’s Not Being Authentic About His Feelings:

Are you with a man who is not being authentic? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, we are going to talk about the signs that will tell you that a man is not being authentic about his feelings.

  1. He’s Inconsistent

One of the most obvious signs that a man is not being authentic about his feelings is when he’s inconsistent with his words and actions. If you’ve just started dating a guy, this can be incredibly confusing because it might seem like he’s into you one day and then the next it seems like he could care less.

The good news is that once you figure out his “pattern” and why he acts in an inconsistent manner, you will know what to expect from him. For example, if your new boyfriend tends to pull away after a few dates and then comes back only when it looks like you are moving on, then he’s probably not being authentic about his feelings for you.

  1. He’s Mad At You All The Time

When you’re in a relationship, you should expect some conflict. You’re two different people who have your own sets of friends, family, and interests. You might have disagreements every now and then, which is fine because it’s healthy to voice your opinion when something bothers you.

However, if one of you is taking all these disagreements as a personal attack on yourself rather than hearing the other person out, this could be a sign that they’re not being authentic about their feelings.

They’re projecting their own feelings onto you.

When someone who usually never gets mad at anything or anyone is suddenly angry all the time, there could be an underlying issue causing them to feel frustrated or upset. It could also be a sign that they are not being truthful about how they feel about your relationship. Being angry all the time could be a way for them to hide what they truly feel inside from you because they don’t want to tell you the truth and break your heart, or worse, make you get mad at them for keeping something from you for such a long time.

  1. There’s No Compromise

There’s one thing that always figures out when a person is not being true to their feelings. It’s the way they act after a certain situation happens. A person who is being real in their partnership will be willing to compromise. They’re willing to give up something they want in order to make the other person happy and still be happy themselves. They want both of them to be happy at all times, which means giving up some things for the sake of their partner.

However, a guy who is not being truthful about his feelings will not compromise at all. If he wants something, he will do it no matter what and if you don’t like it well… too bad for you. He will never do anything that involves some sort of sacrifice on his part for your sake or for the sake of your relationship.

If this guy won’t even bend over backwards for you, if he won’t even try to make you feel better about yourself, if he doesn’t even try to make himself clear on your behalf, then you know that he doesn’t have any real feelings for you and that he is lying about them.

  1. He Can’t Make Up His Mind

If a man can’t make up his mind about a woman, he may not be telling everything you need to hear in order for him to see you as a potential partner or friend. He might even be playing games just to get what he wants from someone else.

  1. He Becomes Aloof

When he seems to be distancing himself from you and other people, he might just be spying on you through the peephole of his eyelids. He might feel awkward around you because he doesn’t want to say or do anything to make it seem like he’s falling for you. But if that doesn’t bother him one bit, then this isn’t genuine interest; it’s a cover-up for how he really feels about you.

  1. He Blows Up Over Small Things

Men do have a tendency to be more emotional than women. But women are also known for blowing up over small things, too. Blowing up over something small isn’t as bad as it could be when we’re living with someone 24/7. We all have to adjust ourselves to the person we live with.

  1. He’s Defensive About Everything

It doesn’t matter what you say, he takes everything you say as a personal attack on him. If you try to make a point that has nothing to do with him, he’ll still find a way to spin it into something that has to do with him. His ego is so fragile and he’s so defensive because he’s hiding his true feelings about the relationship.

  1. He Doesn’t Take Your Feelings Into Consideration

When someone likes you, they want to make you happy. They want to be happy with you and for you to be happy with them. So if your guy isn’t making a concerted effort to take your feelings into consideration when he does something or says something, he probably doesn’t care too much about what you feel or think. If he doesn’t really take your feelings into account before he speaks or acts on something involving the relationship, maybe you need to look elsewhere …

  1. He Doesn’t Like To Spend Time With You Or Speak To You Often

When a man is really into you and he’s trying to show you how much he cares, he wants to spend all of his time with you. He wants to be by your side at all times. He doesn’t want to miss a single second of being with you. He cherishes every moment with you as if it is his last.

He makes it a point to see you often and make sure that you never feel neglected. When he doesn’t like to spend time with you, it’s possible that it’s because he has something else on his plate that is more important than spending time with you.

It could be that he has other girls on the side that are keeping him busy or maybe work just got in the way. Whatever the reason for him not wanting to spend time with you, it usually means that he isn’t as interested in you as he would like you to believe.

  1. He Seems More Interested In What You Can Do For Him Rather Than What You Have To Say

When a man is genuinely interested in a woman, he will do anything to make her happy. He will constantly be looking for ways to help her and make her feel better when she’s down. However, if he only seems invested in what you can do for him and never takes up an opportunity to help you out, this could be a sign that he’s not as into you as he claims to be.

Takeaway: When a man is inauthentic about his feelings, he is not being true to himself and you may want to reevaluate the relationship


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Signs He’s Not Being Authentic About His Feelings:

Are you with a man who is not being authentic? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, we are going to talk about the signs that will tell you that a man is not being authentic about his feelings.

  1. He’s Inconsistent

One of the most obvious signs that a man is not being authentic about his feelings is when he’s inconsistent with his words and actions. If you’ve just started dating a guy, this can be incredibly confusing because it might seem like he’s into you one day and then the next it seems like he could care less.

The good news is that once you figure out his “pattern” and why he acts in an inconsistent manner, you will know what to expect from him. For example, if your new boyfriend tends to pull away after a few dates and then comes back only when it looks like you are moving on, then he’s probably not being authentic about his feelings for you.

  1. He’s Mad At You All The Time

When you’re in a relationship, you should expect some conflict. You’re two different people who have your own sets of friends, family, and interests. You might have disagreements every now and then, which is fine because it’s healthy to voice your opinion when something bothers you.

However, if one of you is taking all these disagreements as a personal attack on yourself rather than hearing the other person out, this could be a sign that they’re not being authentic about their feelings.

They’re projecting their own feelings onto you.

When someone who usually never gets mad at anything or anyone is suddenly angry all the time, there could be an underlying issue causing them to feel frustrated or upset. It could also be a sign that they are not being truthful about how they feel about your relationship. Being angry all the time could be a way for them to hide what they truly feel inside from you because they don’t want to tell you the truth and break your heart, or worse, make you get mad at them for keeping something from you for such a long time.

  1. There’s No Compromise

There’s one thing that always figures out when a person is not being true to their feelings. It’s the way they act after a certain situation happens. A person who is being real in their partnership will be willing to compromise. They’re willing to give up something they want in order to make the other person happy and still be happy themselves. They want both of them to be happy at all times, which means giving up some things for the sake of their partner.

However, a guy who is not being truthful about his feelings will not compromise at all. If he wants something, he will do it no matter what and if you don’t like it well… too bad for you. He will never do anything that involves some sort of sacrifice on his part for your sake or for the sake of your relationship.

If this guy won’t even bend over backwards for you, if he won’t even try to make you feel better about yourself, if he doesn’t even try to make himself clear on your behalf, then you know that he doesn’t have any real feelings for you and that he is lying about them.

  1. He Can’t Make Up His Mind

If a man can’t make up his mind about a woman, he may not be telling everything you need to hear in order for him to see you as a potential partner or friend. He might even be playing games just to get what he wants from someone else.

  1. He Becomes Aloof

When he seems to be distancing himself from you and other people, he might just be spying on you through the peephole of his eyelids. He might feel awkward around you because he doesn’t want to say or do anything to make it seem like he’s falling for you. But if that doesn’t bother him one bit, then this isn’t genuine interest; it’s a cover-up for how he really feels about you.

  1. He Blows Up Over Small Things

Men do have a tendency to be more emotional than women. But women are also known for blowing up over small things, too. Blowing up over something small isn’t as bad as it could be when we’re living with someone 24/7. We all have to adjust ourselves to the person we live with.

  1. He’s Defensive About Everything

It doesn’t matter what you say, he takes everything you say as a personal attack on him. If you try to make a point that has nothing to do with him, he’ll still find a way to spin it into something that has to do with him. His ego is so fragile and he’s so defensive because he’s hiding his true feelings about the relationship.

  1. He Doesn’t Take Your Feelings Into Consideration

When someone likes you, they want to make you happy. They want to be happy with you and for you to be happy with them. So if your guy isn’t making a concerted effort to take your feelings into consideration when he does something or says something, he probably doesn’t care too much about what you feel or think. If he doesn’t really take your feelings into account before he speaks or acts on something involving the relationship, maybe you need to look elsewhere …

  1. He Doesn’t Like To Spend Time With You Or Speak To You Often

When a man is really into you and he’s trying to show you how much he cares, he wants to spend all of his time with you. He wants to be by your side at all times. He doesn’t want to miss a single second of being with you. He cherishes every moment with you as if it is his last.

He makes it a point to see you often and make sure that you never feel neglected. When he doesn’t like to spend time with you, it’s possible that it’s because he has something else on his plate that is more important than spending time with you.

It could be that he has other girls on the side that are keeping him busy or maybe work just got in the way. Whatever the reason for him not wanting to spend time with you, it usually means that he isn’t as interested in you as he would like you to believe.

  1. He Seems More Interested In What You Can Do For Him Rather Than What You Have To Say

When a man is genuinely interested in a woman, he will do anything to make her happy. He will constantly be looking for ways to help her and make her feel better when she’s down. However, if he only seems invested in what you can do for him and never takes up an opportunity to help you out, this could be a sign that he’s not as into you as he claims to be.

Takeaway: When a man is inauthentic about his feelings, he is not being true to himself and you may want to reevaluate the relationship


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