It’s happened to all of us: we meet a girl and we think that she could be the one. We start to put in effort, but eventually we realize that she doesn’t feel the same way about us. We’ve been put in the friend zone. In this blog post, we will discuss the 11 signs that a girl has put you in the friend zone. If you recognize any of these signs, it might be time to move on!
Sign #1
The first sign that you have been put in the friend zone is when she starts to distance herself from you. If she stops calling you, or if she doesn’t want to hang out with you as much, then it’s a clear sign that she is no longer interested in you.
Sign #2
Another sign that you have been put in the friend zone is when she starts dating someone else. If she suddenly has a new boyfriend and she never mentioned him before, then chances are she was using you as a friend until someone better came along.
Sign #3
If a girl constantly talks about her exes or other guys that she’s interested in, then it’s probably not a good idea to pursue her any further. She’s already made it clear that she’s not interested in you in that way, so it’s best to move on.
Sign #4
If a girl starts giving you advice about your love life, or if she tries to set you up with her friends, then it’s a clear sign that she sees you as nothing more than a friend. She’s not interested in you romantically, so there’s no point in pursuing anything further.
Sign #5
If a girl talks to you about her crushes or guys she likes, but she never includes you in the conversation, then it means that she doesn’t see you in that way. She’s just using you as someone to talk to about other guys, which isn’t something that someone who is interested in you would do.
Sign #6
If you’ve been friends with a girl for a while and she’s never made a move, then it’s likely that she’s not interested in you. If she was, she would have made a move by now.
Sign #7
If you’ve tried to make a move on a girl and she’s rejected you, then it means that she doesn’t see you in that way. It can be hard to take, but it’s best to move on from someone who isn’t interested in you.
Sign #8
If a girl always seems to be busy or if she cancels plans with you at the last minute, then it might be because she doesn’t want to spend time with you. She might be busy with other things, or she might
Sign #9
If a girl only texts you when she needs something, or if she’s always asking for favors, then it means that she doesn’t see you as a potential partner. She’s just using you for your help, and she isn’t interested in anything more than that.
Sign #10
If a girl never initiates conversations with you, or if she’s always the one who ends them, then it means that she’s not interested in you. She’s probably just trying to avoid any awkward situations, so it’s best to move on.
Sign #11
If a girl always has an excuse when you ask her to hang out, or if she cancels plans at the last minute, then it’s a sign that she’s not interested in you. She’s probably just trying to let you down easy, so there’s no point in pursuing anything further.
Sign #12
Another sign that you’ve been put in the friend zone is when she makes it clear that she only sees you as a friend. If she tells you outright that she doesn’t want to date you, or if she says that she only wants to be friends, then it’s time to accept that and move on.
Sign #3
If a girl is always busy when you try to hang out with her, then it might be a sign that she doesn’t want to spend time with you. She could be busy with other things, but there’s also a chance that she just doesn’t see you as someone worth spending her time with.
Sign #14
If a girl constantly makes jokes about how you’re like her brother, or if she calls you “just friends,” then it means that she doesn’t see you
Sign #15
If a girl never talks about herself around you, or if she always seems uncomfortable when you’re around, then it might be because she doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea. She’s not interested in you, and she doesn’t want to lead you on.
Sign #16
If a girl always has an excuse when you ask her to hang out, or if she cancels plans at the last minute, then it’s probably because she doesn’t want to spend time with you. She’s not interested in you, and she would rather do something else.
Sign #18
If a girl talks about other guys around you, or if she flirts with other guys in front of you, then it’s a clear sign that she sees you as nothing more than a friend. She’s not interested in you romantically, and she’s just trying to let you know in the nicest way possible. These are all signs that a girl has put you in the friend zone.
Sign #19
The last sign that a girl has put you in the friend zone is when she starts avoiding you. If she suddenly stops responding to your texts, or if she starts making up excuses not to see you, then it’s because she doesn’t want anything more to do with you. It’s time to move on at this point.
Do you think there are other signs that a girl has put you in the friend zone? Let us know in the comments below! And if you found this blog post helpful, please share it with your friends! Thanks for reading!