The first step to attracting love is to find it within yourself. That’s easier said than done though, right? That’s what this post is all about — helping you find love within yourself so you’re capable of attracting it into your life.
You’re frustrated. You’re alone. You keep coming around the same old corner, yet nothing changes. Or it gets worse. I understand that feeling, because I was once in your shoes and found myself asking: What am I doing wrong that makes it so hard for me to find love? But you aren’t doing anything wrong. The problem is how you approach people, your approach to online dating, and other things you do that makes finding love impossible — but something I can help you work on eliminating these things.
1.You’re not willing to compromise.
Let’s face it, there are things you want in a partner, but being too rigid means you might miss out on someone who’s great for you. Maybe you want a guy taller than six feet but he’s five foot eight and amazing in every other way. Don’t dismiss him just because he didn’t measure up in the height department.
2. You don’t put yourself out there.
Sure, putting yourself out there can be scary and downright frustrating at times, but if you spend every night on your couch instead of going out with friends or trying to meet someone new, how do you expect to find love?
3. You’re not open to different types of people.
If you’ve always dated tall guys and this short guy approaches you, don’t ignore him just because of his height. Give him a chance. You never know what might happen!
4. You want everything right away.
You may be ready to settle down, but that doesn’t mean your potential partner is ready as well. If he says he’s not ready for a relationship, believe him! You can still get to know each other and see where things go, just don’t expect him to commit right away.
5. You don’t want to be loved
Love is about giving and receiving — but if you’re always on the giving end of things, it’s easy to feel tired and frustrated with your relationship.
6. You think it’s all about you
Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have trouble talking about themselves? They ask questions and find out what other people want, then they focus on giving them what they need. Those people also have an easier time finding love than people who are always talking about themselves and their needs.
7. You are too picky
If you’re someone who is too picky, then it’s going to make it hard for you to find love. You need to know what qualities are important to you and which ones aren’t. You need to give people a chance. You can’t expect them to be perfect or think they will change. Don’t reject people just because they don’t meet all of your requirements.
8. Not Putting Yourself Out There
You can’t expect to find love if you’re not putting yourself out there. You need to make an effort if you want to find a relationship. You have to be willing to try new things and put yourself in situations where you can meet new people and potentially find a partner. It’s not going to happen if you keep doing the same things that you always do and never take any chances. This doesn’t mean that you have to go out looking for love all the time, but it does mean that when opportunities do come up, you should take a chance.
9. You don’t love yourself.
When your self-esteem is low, you’ll accept abuse. You’ll welcome rejection. You’ll tolerate bad behavior from others because of your belief that if people don’t treat you right, it’s because you don’t deserve better.
10. You are afraid of commitment.
This is a big one. Many of us want to be in a relationship, but we’re terrified of doing so because we’re afraid of being hurt or rejected again. We’re afraid that our partner will cheat on us or leave us or dump us out of the blue, and so we keep ourselves from falling in love with someone who might actually be good for us by constantly sabotaging things.
11. You’re not ready to be in a relationship.
You’ve got some “issues” that you need to work through on your own and the only way to do that is to spend some time alone. You need some time to think about your life and where you are in it. You need some time to think about what kind of person you want to be. You can’t do that when you’re hiding out with someone who wants nothing more than to be your everything.
12. You have no goals at all
If you don’t have any goals, where are you going to go? Who is going to want to walk beside someone who has no direction in life? If you want to find love, then you need to start setting some goals.
13.You’re comparing everyone to your exes.
When we’ve been hurt by a partner before, it can be easy to fall into the trap of comparing our new love interest to them — especially if they share any similarities at all. But that’s an unfair comparison, and it puts too much pressure on your current partner to live up to a standard they don’t know about yet.
What Is Keeping You From Finding Love? Well, you must stop doing things that is keeping love away from you. If you want to attract a husband or wife and have a happy marriage, make sure that you do not do these things, as it will only increase your chances of failure. So what is the point of attracting and even pursuing love if you are going to sabotage yourself no matter what? If you are doing any of these things listed above, stop immediately.