There was a time I got very confused as to why guys weren’t finding me attractive. I thought that everything was in my favor, being that I’m good-looking, young and intelligent. But then I started talking with my girlfriend, and she said that it might be something that turns off men! She explained what some of these are so here are the top 8 turn offs fo
1. You dont laugh at his jokes
He wants to know that you think he’s funny, valued and important. If you don’t laugh at his jokes, or worse, groan and roll your eyes, he won’t feel good about himself.
2. You are critical of him all the time.
If you never have a good word to say about him, why would he want to be around you? Even if you have constructive criticism or advice for him, there are better ways of telling him than just being critical all the time.
3. You aren’t supportive of his goals and dreams.
This is one of the biggest turn-offs for men! He wants to know that you believe in him, that you want the best for him and that you think he can do whatever he sets his mind to doing. If you constantly put him down it won’t be long before he finds someone who believes in him better than you do!
4. You don’t check in with him
long periods of time without checking in, he’s going to wonder what you’re up to and why you don’t seem to care.
5. You pay more attention to your phone than you do to him.
This extends beyond the “How long should I wait before texting?” debate (the answer is: as long as it takes for you to stop thinking about texting him every five seconds). If you’re on a date and your phone is constantly buzzing — and you’re constantly answering it — then he’ll think you have someone else on your mind.
6. Nagging and complaining
Not all guys want a woman who’s always happy, but none of us want a woman who’s always unhappy. It’s depressing. If your glass is always half empty, we’ll start looking around for somebody who’s glass is more than half full.
7. When a woman’s life revolves around her man.
Being able to get along with the people that your man cares about most will make your relationship a whole lot easier. The more comfortable you are around his friends and family, the better off your relationship will be — and if you can’t stand the people who are closest to him, that’s going to be a major turn-off for him as well. So do whatever you can to make sure that his friends and family like you — he’ll appreciate every effort that you put into it!
8. You’re unsure of what you want.
A woman who is unsure of herself makes guys feel uneasy. You don’t have to have your life completely figured out, but when a guy feels like you are easily swayed by his actions or the actions of others, he is going to worry about your relationship’s future.
9.The Ex Factor
You should not bring up an ex when you’re with someone new because it puts in their head that there is still something going on with the two of you. Think about if you were sitting down with a guy and he brought up his ex-girlfriend; would you be able to not think that maybe they weren’t quite over? It’s better to keep the past in the past and let your current relationship stand on its own without any comparisons to what you had before.
10. Telling him he’s your rebound.
You’ve just gotten out of a relationship and you’re feeling kind of lonely. So you go out with someone new. There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you tell your new guy how much baggage you’re bringing into this relationship, he’s going to be running for the hills. Nobody wants to feel like they’re second-best or just filling in until someone better comes along. If your last relationship ended badly and it’s made you cautious about getting involved again, don’t tell him right away. Wait until you guys get to know each other better before sharing details of your dating history.
11. Nagging
Nothing will make a man run away faster than being nagged. Nagging makes him feel like you don’t respect him and that you think he is incapable of handling things himself. It will also make him resentful towards you because he feels like you are treating him like a child.
Men hate feeling like they have to check in with their girlfriends all the time and hate it when their girlfriends try to control every aspect of their lives.
13. Being manipulative.
Guys hate it when girls try to use them to make other guys jealous. They also don’t like it when they try to make them feel guilty or obligated to do something they don’t want to do. If you have an argument, let him cool off and come back on his own. Don’t wait for him and then tell him he’s never there for you when he doesn’t come back right away.
14. Playing games is one thing that men find unattractive in women.
They hate it when their women make them feel like they are about to be tested. Some women do this for fun, but some other women may have other reasons like making sure if their men really love them or not. However, whatever the reason is, playing games on your man will surely turn him off
15. Women who don’t try to look their best.
A woman who doesn’t bother to dress up a little bit or put on some make-up is not going to attract many men. Yes, it’s true that there are plenty of men who don’t care about how a woman looks. They are more interested in her personality than her appearance. But even if those are the men you’re looking for, do you really want one of them?
16. Women who make all the plans.
If you’re always making the plans for a first date, like picking out a restaurant and what movie to see, it can be a bit disconcerting. In fact, this often ends up being one of the top turnoffs for guys on first dates. A woman who takes charge is incredibly attractive, but when she’s working so hard to take control of every aspect of the relationship that she doesn’t give her date any opportunity to participate, it can make him feel like he isn’t important or valued in the relationship at all. It’s nice to let him play a part in the planning of your dates and other activities together — he will appreciate it and be more likely to return the favor in the future.
So girls, there you have it: those are our turn offs. Are we missing anything? List the reasons you aren’t interested in a guy in the comments so we can compare! Are you interested in a guy that has any of these turn offs? Let us know that too!