Every girl wants a guy who is strong, confident and self-assured. You’ll never be the one she wants if you’re the kind of guy that lets her walk all over you. Are you the doormat? Here’s 10 reasons why your girl walks all over you and what you can do to reverse it!
1. You let her treat you like a doormat
You’re too accommodating. This is a common problem for guys who grew up with sisters. You probably learned early on that the best way to avoid fighting was to give in and let her have her way. The problem is that this doesn’t solve all the problems in the relationship; it just makes them go away temporarily. It also teaches your partner that she doesn’t have to compromise with you as long as she’s willing to be loud about what she wants. So if you want her to stop walking all over you, start standing up for yourself once in a while.
2.You don’t set any boundaries with her.
You never say “no” to anything she asks you to do. You’ll drop everything for her and drop everything for your kids. For all of your family members, really, even though they’re all adults. So when your sister’s in a bind and needs you to watch her kid for a week because she’s going on vacation with her boyfriend, you tell yourself it’s not a big deal. You can just take some extra time off work
3.You’re not living your life to the fullest.
You have a zest for life and you like to experience new things. For you, happiness is about trying new, exciting things and being surrounded by people who inspire you, who energize you. With her, it’s just not possible. She doesn’t want to try anything new or step outside of her comfort zone because she’s not interested in developing herself. She’s content with the way she spends her days and she doesn’t see the need to change it.
4.You’re not being heard or understood.
When was the last time that she really listened to what YOU were saying? When was the last time that she tried to understand what YOU were going through? She doesn’t care enough about you or your life because she’s too consumed with herself and how miserable she is.
5.You don’t dress up for her.
A lot of guys think that because they’re not the ones courting the girl, then there’s no need for them to dress up for her. Well… You’re wrong! You see, women like men who are presentable and well-dressed.
6.You don’t make your intentions clear.
Now, what do I mean by this? Well, a lot of guys think that they’ve already made their intentions known when they’ve asked a girl out and she said YES. Not really! In fact, you still have to be very specific about it!
You see, women want men who are direct and decisive. So if you’re going to court a woman, you have to learn how to be direct and firm with your ideas and plans. But remember that at all times, you shouldn’t forget about your manners!
7.You make excuses for her behavior.
If ever she gets in trouble, it’s always someone else’s fault. She never takes responsibility for what she does. She blames her misbehavior on other people, whether they’re there or not.
She’ll use her friends to explain away her poor behavior — “I was drunk,” or “my friends dared me to,” or “my friends made me do it.” The thing is, the other person in a relationship can’t control the actions of the other person, so making excuses for her bad behavior is only hurting your relationship in the long run.
8.She’s a Serial Cheater
If your girl cheats on you time and time again, but always has some sob story about how it never happened before or how “it just happened,” then you might be in an abusive relationship. It doesn’t matter if she swears up and down to God that she will never do it again, because she will. Even if your girl hasn’t cheated on you yet, but she gets really close to other guys (like making out with them), or does anything to make you feel uncomfortable or jealous, then something is wrong.
9.She has no respect for your opinions.
Everyone has their own unique set of views; everyone comes from different backgrounds with their own experiences to draw upon. A person in a healthy relationship respects their partner’s opinions and point of view, even if they don’t agree with them or choose to make different decisions. If she doesn’t respect your opinion or point of view, it will show in the way she treats you and speaks to you.
10.She knows that you will never leave her.
You might have told her that you would never leave her, but she may not be sure. You can tell her repeatedly, but if you aren’t doing anything to show her that it’s true, then she will continue to walk all over you because she knows that there are no consequences for doing so.
Takeaway: If you want your girl to stop walking all over you, then you need to start making some decisions in your own best interest and stand up for yourself!