If you want to know if your boyfriend is more than “just a boyfriend” then please read this post. You need to know how to tell if he really loves you. This can be hard to tell sometimes, but there are always signs that he is more than just your boyfriend that you should be aware of.
1.You’re comfortable being yourself around him
You don’t have to pretend you’re a certain way if you’re not. He loves you for who you are and doesn’t expect you to act in a certain way.
2. He knows everything about you
He knows everything about you — from your deepest, darkest secrets to your favorite movie.
3.You’ve met his family
You’ve hung out with his family quite a bit and they know who you are and what your relation is to their son. You also get along well with them and feel like you fit in with the family dynamics because it’s not awkward at all when you’re around them.
4. He’s introduced you as his girlfriend
He has no problem introducing you as his girlfriend or saying that he’s dating the best girl in the world — he just can’t take all the bragging!
5.You’ve talked about your future together
You aren’t afraid to talk about your future together, or even see it together someday down the road because that’s where this relationship is heading.
6. He shares his personal information with you.
A man who is serious about establishing a long-term relationship will often share stories from his past and not just details about his job or family history either. He’ll tell you things he doesn’t tell other people — embarrassing moments from his childhood or mistakes he made along the way — because he wants to bond with you on a deeper level than anyone else in his life has ever experienced before.
7. He wants to know everything about you.
If a man is interested in you, he’ll ask questions as many as he can to get to know you better. He’ll want to know where you grew up and what your childhood was like. He’ll want to learn about your favorite books, movies and hobbies. He might be trying to impress you with his own accomplishments but it’s also possible that he’s just really curious about the person you are. Either way, it’s a good sign!
8. He’s not afraid to show off his affection in public
He doesn’t hide his love for you from friends or family — in fact, he’s probably the first one to tell people about how much he loves you! He wants everyone to know that he loves you and isn’t ashamed of it. He’ll post cute photos of the two of you on social media and tell people about how great you are when they ask him about your relationship. Plus, he won’t mind holding hands or kissing in public (which can be awkward for couples who haven’t been together long).
9. You’ve met his closest friends and family
When he wants you to get along with the people who are most important to him, it shows that he wants the two of your worlds to mesh together. If the people closest to your boyfriend can actually stand being around you (and vice versa), then it’s likely a sign that your relationship has staying power.
10. You have the same interests
The most common reason why couples stop seeing each other is they have nothing in common. If you’re into hiking and he’s into staying inside, you probably won’t last long together. That’s not to say every couple needs to share everything in common — having your own interests can be a healthy thing — but if you’re spending less time with friends and more with him, that’s a sign of a strong bond.
11. He knows how to make you laugh
Some people are just naturally funny, but when he’s trying to make you laugh, it means he wants your attention. He wants to be around you and he knows that making you giggle is a great way to get there.
12. You can talk about anything together
You can tell him anything without worrying about being judged or criticized by him. You feel safe when it comes to opening up about your emotions because he will never use them against you or take advantage of them in any way.
13. He’s your biggest fan!
Your boyfriend is your biggest cheerleader and he loves it when you succeed. He supports you in every aspect and celebrates with you in good times. Whether it’s a promotion at work, or getting into the college of your dreams, he will be right there with you to congratulate you on making your dreams come true. He’ll also be there to pick you up when you fall down and give you both the motivation and inspiration to try again.
14. He makes compromises for you.
If your boyfriend truly sees a future with you, then he will go out of his way to make arrangements to spend more time with you. He will take into consideration your job schedule, your family obligations and any other commitments that require your time and attention so that he is able to see you at times when it is convenient for both of you. When it comes down to choosing between spending time with his friends or spending time with you, his choice should be clear: You come first.
15. He checks in with you frequently.
Just because a guy is friendly doesn’t mean he has feelings for you. He may be polite, but he’s just not into you. On the other hand, a boyfriend will want to know how you’re doing and how your day is going. He’ll ask about your family and talk about his own. A boyfriend will be interested in spending time with you, getting to know you better, and showing his friends that you’re an important part of his life.
It’s important to pay attention to your instincts. If you feel like something is off and he’s been pulling away, then it could be a sign that he’s found someone else or something more important than you.