Being romantic to women is not hard; you just have to know how. In this article I will try and teach you some great ideas to become a better romantic partner
1.Take Her on a Date
When you go out on a date with her, you should make sure that it’s something that she will enjoy. You can find out from one of her friends what she likes doing and try to find an activity that both of you like doing. For example, if your girlfriend likes dancing, you can take her out dancing. If both of you like going to the movies, then take her to the movies and buy some popcorn for her.
2.Give Her a Gift
Women love it when their men give them gifts for no reason at all! So make sure that you keep your wallet handy to buy her something every now and then, especially when she is not expecting it.
3.Do Little Gestures That Show Your Love
Little gestures go a long way in creating romance between two people who love each other immensely! Hold her hand whenever you are together, hug her tightly and let her know that you are there for her always!
4.Appreciate Her
Romance is about appreciating the one you love, so make sure you appreciate your girl for everything she does for you. Tell her how much you love her and how much she means to you!
5. Send Her a Card
You do not have to wait for Valentine’s Day or her birthday to send her a card. Buy a nice blank card and write something sweet, but not mushy. Expressing how much she means to you is sure to impress her. You can also make your own card with pictures and love notes inside.
6. Write Her a Love Letter By Hand
This is an old-fashioned way to show her how much you care. Writing by hand is personal and individualistic, since no two handwriting styles are the same. You can write about what you love about her, how your life has changed since you met her or even a handwritten copy of one of your favorite poems. Whatever you decide to express in writing, she will surely appreciate the effort you took to make it special for her.
7. Surprise Her With Something She Likes — Unexpectedly.
Women love to be surprised, so show up at her work or home with some small token that lets her know you were thinking about her and wanted to see her. It could be a dozen roses, or a box of chocolates, or just a handwritten note telling her how much she means to you. The trick here is to do it unexpectedly. Don’t do it on a holiday like Valentine’s Day, or on some other day when she would expect it. Do it on any random day during the month, and she’ll be sure to remember it as one of your most romantic gestures ever.
8. Plan a Romantic Vacation
Taking a trip together is a great way to spend quality time together. If you can manage it, traveling abroad to a romantic destination is a fantastic way to build romance, but even just getting away from all of your day-to-day distractions for a few days can be enough to stoke the fires of romance.
9. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Your Feminine Side, Guys!
Those who have been led to believe that men shouldn’t show their feminine sides may feel uncomfortable doing so. However, once you get used to it, it will come naturally. For example, if you’re a man with long hair, wear it in a ponytail. If you’re a man with short hair, let your curls flow freely.
10. Be understanding and open minded.
Be a good listener — she wants to talk about herself and share her hopes and dreams with you. If she has something on her mind, just listen and hold the conversation without interrupting or giving unsolicited advice.
11.Give compliments
It shows you care enough about her to pay attention. Shutting out all negativity in your relationship is vital. She wants to hear good things about herself, even if they aren’t completely true. She also wants to hear bad things about herself so that she can work on fixing them.
12.Ask her opinion on things.
Ask her what she thinks about the new product design or marketing campaign. Offer to help her with housework or do something sweet for her. Women love it when men take an interest in them, so this is more than just chivalry — it’s showing you care about her well-being.
13. Make her feel beautiful
Every woman wants to feel beautiful, and it is up to her man to show her that she is beautiful. Look into her eyes when you tell her she is beautiful and let her see that you mean it.
14. Take an interest in the things that interest her.
If she loves art, go to the museum with her. If she loves nature, take a walk with her in the park or on the beach. If she loves poetry, read some poetry together.
To be romantic with a woman, you need to understand women. You need to understand what makes them feel loved, appreciated and supported in a relationship. You need to know where to touch them and when to touch them, you need to know when to whisper sweet nothings in their ear and when it’s better not to. And above all you need to know how emotional women are. The biggest problem is knowing what to say and do at the right time, because if you don’t know how to read a woman correctly, everything that seems romantic might actually throw her off the track and the romance will end up having the opposite effect than intended.