WE know that you’re a great catch. YOU know that you’re a great catch. But your profile is not helping you get any great catches on Bumble.
Bumble is a unique online dating platform that was created for relationship-oriented people. It places the onus on women by giving them the upper hand to decide whether or not they want to match with you.
This might seem like all hope is lost for men with women being in charge, but it is actually a blessing in disguise. If you’re looking for a committed relationship, then chances are the women on Bumble are the type of partners you’re looking for compared to other online dating platforms.
In this article, we’re going to talk about tips to optimize your Bumble profile and increase your chances of landing the woman of your dreams.
Photo Fails & Wins
Unfortunately, online dating can be a bit superficial, but not in the sense that you need to be a male model to get a match! There is a difference between putting a little effort into your profile pictures and putting none at all.
Avoid these common mistakes when deciding which photos to add to your profile:
- Cut off selfies showing half of your face at an odd angle
- Bathroom mirror selfies [especially if you haven’t cleaned your mirror!]
- Group shots— nobody wants to be labeled the “DUFF” without even being given the chance to shine alone without potential competition
- Glasses and hats are a no-go because they hide your face— women want to check out the merchandise before they buy (or swipe in this case)
- No overtly sexual photos—data suggests that this is a big turn OFF for women in the online dating realm and it sends instant creep vibes
The way to ensure you put your best foot forward is by checking all (or most) of these blocks when uploading your photos:
✔ The first photo should be a good headshot— this lets her get a good idea of how you look instead of forcing her to piece together the photos that you have on your profile
✔ The third photo should be an action shot— preferably a photo of you doing something that you enjoy (e.g. hiking, running, playing board games, etc.). This gives her a glimpse into your interests
✔ Get dressed up— mature women desire mature men and this is an opportunity to show that you are established by giving potential matches a professional image of yourself
✔ Smile! If you’re making eye contact with the camera, studies show that people find others more attractive when they smile at the camera.
Not sure if you’re committing these profile photo crimes? No worries, our dating profile writers can help assess the damage and give expert advice on what you need to do to tweak your profile. With over a decade of experience in assisting singles find their match, we can dive in and give a comprehensive breakdown of what is working and what needs to go in order to get you the right matches for your dating preference.
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Are you being too vague?
Sorry, that “mysterious stranger” persona is only effective in novellas. Your potential match on Bumble needs a little more to go off of to decide whether you are worth her time or not. That’s why it’s important to strategically place keywords within your profile.
The keywords you use should showcase your interests and what you value in a match. Are you looking for someone who shares your love for reading? Talk about your love for the library and even include the title of your favorite book. Saying that you love to read is a very generic description, but sharing your favorite book gives a sneak peek at your personality to a potential match.
With that being said, use the badges function to your advantage! The beauty behind online dating apps is it allows us to filter out those we are least compatible with.
Be honest with yourself and what type of person you are trying to attract. If you’re a proud conservative with a “Don’t Tread on Me” bumper sticker slapped to the tailgate of your pickup truck, then let your potential match find you by filtering for traits they value in a partner as well!
Afraid you’re going to come off too strong or can’t figure out how to integrate specific keywords into your Bumble profile? Our dating profile experts can take the guesswork out of the process for you! Unfortunately, your profile has to do the talking for you in the online dating realm and sometimes we aren’t good with words—that’s okay! If you want to get things right the first time around, then let us help you get right! Everyone could benefit from having an outsider come in to give honest feedback about your profile.
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Make Her Laugh
This Bumble profile tip is no secret. Women are more attracted to men that can make them laugh. You don’t need to turn into a comedian to get the woman of your dreams, but lighthearted joking is a great start.
It could be something as simple as an intriguing, funny question or statement like:
- Would you rather have to drink three cups of coffee every day or never drink coffee again?
- Two truths, one lie: I’ve partied with Guns N Roses, I’ve never been to the beach, I have an irrational fear of whales.
The above statements demonstrate polarizing topics and serve as great conversation starters for potential matches. Half of the population enjoys a cup of coffee to start their morning off and the other half— either way, this question will most likely provoke a response from whomever reads your profile.
Similarly, the second question espouses a need to know from potential matches— are you really afraid of whales?! It gives you an opportunity to share genuine, interesting facts about yourself while throwing in funny curveballs.
Keep the Negative Talk to a Minimum
Nobody likes a “Debbie Downer”. Likewise, women do not want to hear about the terrible experiences you’ve had so far on previous dating apps. So it’s best to avoid these common pitfalls:
- Listing things you don’t want in a partner— we get it, nobody wants to waste their time, but how about instead of focusing on what you don’t want, you share qualities that you desire in a partner. You are more likely to attract matches this way!
- Too many self-deprecating jokes— a small quip about your extra large ears might be acceptable, but your profile is supposed to market you to potential matches on Bumble, not drive them away!
- Talking about how online dating sucks or is hard— everyone faces these challenges from time to time, but there is no point wasting your profile space with this negative thought.
Keep things positive, lighthearted, and showcase the fact that you are a fun person to be around.
Be Yourself
This goes without saying, but your profile should be a display of your genuine self. That way, you can get compatible matches. We’ve all heard the saying, “Lie on your resume to get the job, then get the experience while you’re on the job.” That just isn’t true when it comes to dating or online dating.
Give potential matches an idea of who you are and what it’s like to be around you by implementing the following tips for Bumble profile optimization:
- Fill out your ENTIRE profile— you can’t put in minimal effort and expect to reap maximum rewards
- Sync your social media and spotify account— your social can give extra credibility to verify you are who you say you are (identity and personality alike)
- Verify your account— nobody wants to be catfished!
If you’re looking for a serious relationship, you don’t want to lie in order to get a date. And there really shouldn’t be any reason to do that. If you’re having trouble getting matches, 9 times out of 10 it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with your profile!
If you’re thinking, “This article might be onto something…I haven’t had luck getting any matches. Is there something wrong with me or my profile that turns women off?” The struggle to get a good match is real, but it doesn’t have to be with our expert dating profile advice! Our dating profile experts have over a decade of successful dating profile writing experience guaranteed to attract the women you’re looking to match with.
Want to get to the bottom of the reason why you’re not receiving any matches? Let our experts help you put your best foot forward.
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