Ever find yourself wondering one thing before meeting a girl? Whether she would flake off the date or not. Well that’s quite common, and I have dealt with it a lot in my own experience. That’s why I decided to do research on this topic and find out what exactly are the signs a woman on date is sending mixed signals.
1. She cancels date plans at last minute.
She might be giving you the runaround by making excuses just so she can get out of her plans with you at the last minute. Sure, there are legitimate reasons for her to cancel on you, but if this happens on more than one occasion, then it might mean that she doesn’t really want to go out with you at all. It also means that she might have other people that she’d rather hang out with instead of you.
2. She keeps the conversation on surface topics.
If she’s not asking deeper questions, this may be because she doesn’t want the conversation to go there. The same goes for you. If you’re not sure what to ask next, consider bringing up something interesting happening around you, so you don’t get stuck in the conversation rut.
3. She returns your calls and texts, but she’s not chatty.
he’s always short with her responses, even though you’re trying your best to make conversation. Her responses are usually limited to one-word answers like “yes,” “no,” and “fine.”
4. She agrees to spend time with you, but never initiates plans.
Every time you ask her out, she says yes and asks WHEN. And when you tell her when is good for you, she says that’s fine by her too—but then never suggests anything herself.
5. Her body language looks disinterested when you’re together.
When she’s sitting next to you during dinner or a movie, does she seem distracted? Does she seem unengaged with the conversation? If everything seems like a chore for her—even when you’re hanging out in person—it’s a sign that things are headed in the wrong direction.
6.She doesn’t make eye contact with you.
One of the first things we do when we are interested in someone is look at them. If she doesn’t engage with your eyes, then it could mean that she isn’t attracted to you.
7.She constantly looks at her phone or other people in the room.
If she is distracted by other things when you are talking, then it could be a sign that she isn’t really interested in what you have to say. The same goes for other people, too. If her eyes keep wandering over to other guys, then she might not be into you.
8.She’s nodding but not saying much in response.
Nodding along while listening to someone is a common courtesy. But if she nods and doesn’t contribute anything to the conversation, then it could be a sign that she’s not interested in what you have to say or she doesn’t have much to talk about herself.
9.There’s no touching involved.
People who are attracted to each other touch each other subconsciously (or even consciously) throughout their dates. They tend to lean in closer toward each other when talking and occasionally brush against each other. If there’s no touching at all, that’s a pretty clear sign that there’s no physical chemistry.
10.Moody silence.
If a woman stops talking to you altogether and gets moody, she’s no longer interested in hanging out with you. Her bad mood probably has something to do with anything from an argument with her boyfriend to someone cutting her off in traffic. Either way, if it lasts for more than a few minutes, she’s done dating you.
11. Repeatedly changing plans.
This is another sign of trouble. If a woman asks you out three times and then suddenly cancels each time without giving any reason whatsoever, that’s a sign that she’s not interested in seeing you again.
12. She doesn’t seem to miss you between dates.
If you’re having a great time on your date and it’s obvious that she is too, a good sign that she wants to see you again is if she talks about what a great time she had. If she never once mentions anything positive about the last time that you went out together, then chances are she isn’t thinking much about you after the date ends.
13. She seems disinterested in your personal life.
Instead of asking questions about you, she mostly talks about herself and her own life. She may even divulge a few personal details about herself, but she won’t really ask anything about you at all.
14. She’s often physically distant from you.
She might regularly lean away from your touch or turn her body slightly away from you, so she’s not completely facing you. She may keep her arms by her side rather than hugging or putting them around you.
15.She doesn’t laugh at your jokes — or anything else that occurs between the two of you.
If she doesn’t think things are funny when others do and doesn’t smile much when she’s around you, it could be because she feels uncomfortable around you and isn’t having fun on the date.
16. She doesn’t show emotion easily.
While women do tend to wear their emotions on their sleeve, there are those who will not show how they feel at all. If she is not showing any emotion and is not responding to your attempts at flirting or showing interest, then she may not have feelings towards you. She may be afraid of falling too fast and getting hurt, so she is trying to protect herself by staying emotionally distant.
How can you tell if a woman is sending mixed signals? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, as a date or conversation can move along very smoothly, and then there will be an awkward moment. To help you determine whether she is sending mixed signals, take a closer look at her body language and follow the tips above. While they aren’t foolproof in determining attraction, they should provide you with some valuable information on what she really wants from you.