Relationships go through hard times, but what happens when you have problems with your boyfriend? The problems that you have in a relationship with a man could be endless. However, there are some of the more common relationship issues that women have with men.
1.You Lack Independence
While you and your man should have a lot of things in common, it’s also important to have some things that are unique to you. If you have no interests or personality outside of your relationship, he’ll feel like he’s dating the same person over and over again. This can get old very quickly and put a strain on your relationship.
Take some time to do things on your own. Spend time with friends who are girls, go out shopping by yourself, and pick up a new hobby or two that are just for you. These things will not only give you something fun to do, but they will also give you more to talk about with your man.
2. You date men who aren’t right for you
Many women are attracted to men who are wrong for them. They’re drawn to men who aren’t able to return the love they deserve. And they’ll keep dating these same types of men, until they become frustrated and angry with their dating results. The only way to change your results is to change your behavior. If you’ve been dating the same kind of man, over and over, it’s time for a new strategy. You must break this pattern or it will continue indefinitely.
3. You fear losing him
If you fear losing your boyfriend, then you will unconsciously act in ways that sabotage your relationship. You won’t be able to relax and let go with him or fully trust him because a small part of you knows he may not stick around in your life. So you may put up walls around yourself or act in ways that drive him away, even if that’s the last thing you want to happen.
4.You are looking for the perfect man
The perfect man has no flaws. Men aren’t perfect either — they make mistakes, they lie and sometimes they even cheat. Do not expect your partner to be flawless because nobody is perfect, no matter how good they look or how much money they make. If you are in a relationship where you feel that you need to change your partner or hide his flaws from friends and family, then it is time to move on to someone who really appreciates you for who you are and who you’re not trying to change.
5. You’re not listening to him.
This one should be painfully obvious. When a guy tells you he really wants to introduce you to his friends and family, believe him! It’s important for him that those closest to him like you because it shows that he’s really serious about your relationship. Also, if he says he doesn’t want a girlfriend right now or isn’t ready for anything serious — believe him! How many times is he going to have to repeat himself before you get the point?
6. You spend too much time obsessing about your relationship.
It’s one thing to want your relationship to be the best it can be. It’s another thing entirely to spend so much time and energy thinking about it that you forget about other aspects of your life that also need attention. If you find yourself constantly analyzing everything your boyfriend says and does, or if you feel like every other thought in your head is somehow related to your relationship, that’s a sign that you need to take a step back and focus on other things for a while.
7.You force him to communicate even when he doesn’t feel like it.
Some men just aren’t very communicative; that doesn’t mean they don’t care about their relationships. If you find yourself trying to force a man into talking about his feelings when he clearly isn’t ready, or if you’re demanding more from him than he’s capable of giving at the moment, it may be time to make some changes
8. You nag.
Nagging is one of the biggest complaints men voice. They say it’s emasculating, and they say it erodes their feelings of attraction and respect. Nagging is when you keep repeating your point over and over again, using different words or different tones of voice, in hopes that your point will finally sink in. No one likes to be nagged, so if this is a problem for you, try to practice becoming more assertive instead. Assertiveness means making a clear statement once and then accepting whatever response comes back — even if it’s not the one you want to hear. If a man loves you enough to be in a relationship with you, he will accommodate your requests as much as he can. And if he doesn’t that’s something important you need to know about him too.
9. You’re too needy.
The number one complaint I get from men about women is that we’re clingy. “Clingy” means being overly dependent on someone else for emotional support, affection and love. If you want a man to take action, you have to leave him alone more often than you see him. When he contacts you, try not to respond immediately so that he misses you and tries even harder to get your attention. If you’re always available, he’s going to get complacent and lose interest.
10. You’re too jealous.
Jealousy is another trait women often complain about when it comes to men, but there’s nothing attractive about being possessive or insecure. If trust is an issue in your relationship, talk to your boyfriend about why he feels the need to be unfaithful or whether he has been in the past before accusing him of cheating on every outing with his friends or every late night at work.
We hope this post helps you avoid some of the more common relationship problems you have with men. This is by no means a complete list and everyone has their own particular issues they tend to run into, but hopefully, you learned something from these suggestions and feel a little bit more comfortable if you’re currently in a relationship or think perhaps you should be in one.