Have you ever wondered how to flirt with a guy? Well, I have some good news for you. You’re already doing it!
1. Give him your full attention when he’s talking to you.
Lean forward, uncross your arms, and point your body toward him to show that you’re engaged in what he has to say and want to hear more.
2. Smile at him. A lot.
f you’re not sure whether he’s interested in you, let your eyes do the talking. Try looking his way and smiling at him so that he sees you and then looks away quickly before you can hold his gaze for more than a few seconds. If he smiles back or looks pleased when your eyes do meet, then that’s probably a sign that he doesn’t mind the attention and would welcome some flirting from you in return.
2. Look at him for an extra beat when speaking to him and/or look away when listening to what he has to say.
Making eye contact with someone is one of the most important things we can do while communicating with others — it shows them that we are
3. Let him catch you looking at him.
Keep making eye contact occasionally — just enough so that he knows you’re still paying attention to him but not so much that it becomes creepy (or so little that he thinks you’ve lost
4. Touch his arm or shoulder during conversation.
Flirting is all about breaking the touch barrier. This can be as simple as brushing his arm with your hand or even just bumping into him when you walk by each other. You don’t want to make it seem like you’re groping him, but even innocent touching can do a lot to get a guy’s attention. You should, however, make sure that he’s okay with this kind of contact before you start, especially if you don’t know him very well.
5. Compliment something he has on or is doing.
Let him know that you like the way he dresses, or how he does his hair, or tell him that you think he’s funny. This will boost his confidence and make him more likely to want to talk to you again.
Ask questions about his life. If you’re in a class together, ask him about the assignment; if he develops apps for a living, tell him you’ve been thinking about doing the same thing; if he’s interested in politics, ask who he voted for in the last election. The point is to get a conversation going and show interest in what he’s into.
Show interest in what he likes. If you don’t know much about football but he loves it, learn some key points so that you can have an intelligent conversation with him next time. Or if his favorite band is playing nearby and there are tickets available, buy two tickets so that you can go together!
6. Laugh at his jokes and smile often when he’s talking to you, even if you don’t think they’re funny.
(Guys love a girl who can laugh at anything, even their dorky jokes.)
A man loves to hear a woman giggle at his jokes, laugh at his stories, or even laugh for no reason at all. When he sees that you’re having fun, he’ll have fun too.
7.Dance Together
If you can find a way to dance with him (even if it’s just one song), then he’ll definitely take this as a sign that you like him. Even if all other attempts at flirting have failed, dancing together is almost guaranteed to send things in the right direction.
8.Tease him
Teasing is a great way to flirt with your man. It adds excitement and playfulness to your relationship. When you tease your boyfriend, he will see the fun side of you.
Be edgy, don’t be afraid to make fun of yourself, or joke around at his expense. This can go a long way in making him smile and showing that you’re comfortable enough with each other to joke around like friends.
When teasing him, stick to the things he’s most confident about, like his looks, sense of humor, or intelligence. Never poke fun at something he feels insecure about as this will just make him feel uncomfortable and might even hurt his feelings.
9.Draw attention to your lips
Don’t be afraid to draw attention to your lips. We all know that the eyes are the window to the soul, but the mouth is a window into a person’s desires. You can show off your mouth by smiling, pouting, or biting your lip. This will draw attention to your beautiful mouth and get him thinking about kissing you.
You can also use lipstick to draw attention to your mouth. Try using a really bold color, or go for something shiny like lip gloss or Vaseline.
10.Use your body to draw attention from him.
Men are visual creatures and, as such, are more likely to be interested in a woman if she lets him see her body. But you don’t have to go all out wearing a skimpy outfit or flashing skin everywhere — just wear something that makes him notice your body. You can wear a low-cut shirt or short skirt (or both), but you can also draw attention to your body in other, more subtle ways. Cross your legs while sitting down, so he has a chance to check out your legs. If you’re sitting next to each other on the same side of a booth or table and he’s already checked out your legs, perhaps you can bend down at one point so he can see down your top. While looking at him, tilt your head down and look up at him through your eyelashes — it’s an old trick that many women use to make themselves appear more vulnerable and attractive.
Takeaway: There are plenty of ways to flirt with a guy without being too aggressive… or obvious.