When your partner and you live in different locations it can be very hard to make the long distance relationship work. You are almost certainly going to see each other less, and will have a lot to cope with. Luckily, with respect and care for each other, it is entirely possible for you to make this work.
One key difference between a long-distance relationship and a regular one is that your partner isn’t around to pick up on your moods or body language. If you’re feeling lonely or upset, you can’t just give each other a hug. The best thing you can do is be open about how you’re feeling and speak up about it as soon as possible — don’t let things fester.
2.Set ground rules.
Long distance relationships require as much communication as possible. Set aside a day or time when you can talk to each other without any distractions.
3.Keep yourself busy.
Staying busy will help you not be consumed by the longing for your significant other. Find things that keep you occupied and happy during your time apart.
4.Remain positive.
It is essential to remain hopeful and optimistic while in a long distance relationship, so try not to dwell with negativity and focus on the outcome of being together again.
5. Be committed to making it work.
It’s hard to do anything if you don’t believe in your chances of success, and this is particularly true of long distance relationships. Maintaining a long distance relationship requires commitment, patience and lots of trust. If you’re not sure that you want to make the effort or invest the time, take a step back and reevaluate what you want out of your relationship.
6.Set a timeline for your next visit.
The amount of time you spend apart will determine how much effort you have to make an LDR work. If there are no foreseeable opportunities for the two of you to be physically together again in the near future, then that’s going to make it much harder for both of you. But if you know when the next time you can see each other will be, that gives both of you something to work towards — which is something everyone needs in order to stay motivated.
7. Have “us” time.
Make sure you schedule regular time to be together as a couple, whether that’s through video chats or visiting one another. Make this time important by doing something special together — planning a fantasy date night can help you feel like you’re still connecting with each other.
8.Call each other every day, if possible.
Try to talk regularly throughout the day using text messages or instant messaging software (like Google Talk or MSN Messenger). If you have time, don’t be afraid to call each other just to talk. Once or twice a week should be enough, but make sure you are both consistent with each other.
9. Write letters and send packages, even if the relationship is mostly online.
Nothing makes someone feel more special than receiving a handwritten letter in the mail from someone they care about. Put some thought into your letters by writing about what’s going on in your life.
10. Make the most of your time together by taking advantage of your surroundings.
Plan a day trip to the beach or a hike in the mountains. Check out museums, botanical gardens, and other landmarks in your area. Stay at a hotel for the weekend and leave all your responsibilities behind. Explore new places, go on adventures, and have fun!
11. Do things apart — together.
When you’re not together, find ways to do things that keep you connected. A few ideas: cook a meal for two at the same time and share photos of what you’re making and eating; watch a movie at the same time and chat about it as it happens; or connect over coffee (or tea) in the mornings by video chat.
12. Stop Comparing Your Partner To Your Exes
We’ve all been cheated on before and we all know how it feels. It sucks, but guess what? That was your ex and that doesn’t mean your current partner will do that to you too! Sure, it may be hard to trust your new partner at first because of the things that happened in your past relationships, but in order to make the long distance work, you have to!
13. Plan To Meet In Person
When your significant other is hundreds or thousands of miles away, the anticipation of seeing each other again can make every day together feel like a special occasion. Once you finally do meet up again, though, you might fall into a rut pretty quickly if all you do is hang out at home watching movies on Netflix.
14. Take Regular Vacations Together
When you live in different cities or countries, it is sometimes difficult to meet often. But that doesn’t mean you should forget about meeting your partner altogether. Plan regular vacations so that you can spend some quality time with each other.
15. Keep Your Own Interests
It’s important to maintain a sense of independence in a relationship, regardless of how close you are to your partner. But when you’re in a LDR, it can be tempting to want to spend every waking moment with your significant other. In addition to being one-sided, it’s also unhealthy.
Technological advances have made life much easier now that we live in an increasingly global society. Still, maintaining a long-distance relationship requires lots of dedication and absolute trust, which is why a lot of couples have failed to make their relationships last. It’s not an easy task but if both lovers are willing to commit, it is possible.