When people are looking to start a new relationship, it can be difficult knowing when to enter into one. If you’re not ready for a relationship, you might be hurting your chances with the opposite sex. Here are six signs that you’re not ready for a relationship:
1.You don’t want to be in a relationship
You don’t want to be in a relationship because you’re too focused on your career, or your goals, or some other thing. And that’s fine. Just be careful not to confuse being alone with being lonely. If you find yourself at 38, still single and wondering why, then it might be time to compromise your goals for something more meaningful.
2.You keep reliving past relationships
Maybe you’ve already been dumped once or twice and now every time someone tells you they need space or they’re not ready for commitment, you think they’re dumping you without saying it. This can lead to paranoia, which is never good. It also means that if a potential partner is really ready to commit to you, they’ll have a hard time convincing you of that because you’re too busy thinking about the last person who dumped you.
3.You blame all your problems on someone else
A serial dater is often one who likes playing the field and has no intention of settling down with anyone. They can also be one of those people who can’t help but blame their failed relationships on the other person rather than take responsibility themselves.
4. You’re not over your last relationship
If you’re constantly thinking about your ex, comparing your current flame to the one that came before, or even still talking to them, chances are you’re not ready for a new relationship. This can be hard to admit, especially if you really want to be in a relationship, but it’s important that you know this about yourself. Being in love is a vulnerable place to be and until you’ve really moved on from your last relationship — because let’s face it, you may think you have but there’s always a part of you that will always have feelings for your ex — there’s no point starting another.
5. You don’t know what you want in a relationship
A lot of people feel like they’re ready for a relationship, but aren’t entirely sure what they want in a significant other. If you haven’t taken the time to think about the things that are most important to you in a partner, it’s impossible to have a successful and healthy relationship.
6. Your vision of the perfect partner is too narrow
You have a vision of what your perfect partner should be like. And while there are probably some features that are non-negotiable (a deal-breaker if they don’t have them), your idealized version of a future partner might feel totally unattainable — both to you and to any real person who might date you.
7. You’re not ready to change your single lifestyle
Maybe you haven’t been single in a long time and have gotten accustomed to your way of life. Maybe you love being able to go out with your friends all the time or just enjoy having the house to yourself. Whatever it is, if you’re not willing to make changes for someone else, then you probably should stay single for now.
8. You Break Up and Get Back Together All the Time
When one of your relationships ends, it’s normal to feel sad and want to get back together. Sometimes, getting back together is a good idea. Sometimes, it’s better not to. If you break up and get back together all the time, it could mean that one or both of you aren’t ready for a commitment. You might also just not be compatible with each other.
9. You Don’t Have Time for Your Partner
If you have time for your friends, your family, and all kinds of other things but don’t have time for your partner, then it might mean that you’re not ready for commitment. A committed relationship takes time and effort from both people in the couple. If your partner has time for you but you don’t have time for him or her, consider whether this is a sign that you’re not ready for a serious relationship.
10. You can’t let go of the fantasy of “the one”.
In the fantasy world, there’s one person who is supposed to make your life magical, who will complete you and make everything better — but that’s not reality. People are imperfect and relationships take work, so if you can’t let go of this fantasy, then you’ll never be able to enter into a healthy relationship.
11. You’re extremely negative.
If you are constantly having negative thoughts and feelings, it may be a sign that you need to work on yourself before starting a relationship with someone else. You should first learn how to be happy on your own before introducing another person into your life. This way, when the relationship becomes difficult or stressful, at least you know that you have your own happiness to rely on and it won’t affect your new relationship as badly.
So, if you’re not ready for a relationship it’s time to work on yourself. Work on your happiness and fulfillment. Make sure you’re single because it’s what you want, and when you’re finally ready for a relationship it will feel good! Take the time to figure out why you’re single and do some soul searching. If you find that the reason is valid and you desire that state of being, then embrace it and enjoy it.