Who doesn’t want to be in a relationship with a diva? I know I do. Now, what exactly is a diva, you might ask. Well, it’s a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. However, being in a relationship with a diva isn’t always fun and games. Facts are facts. People that demand pretty much anything don’t respond well to people saying no all the time. If you’re dating a diva, you’re gonna want to notice and avoid these signs while reading this article!
1. She always expects too much
Divas expect the best of everything, so they will never settle for second-best. If she’s not happy with something, she will make sure everyone else knows it as well.
2. She has an affinity for shopping.
Divas are known for having expensive taste, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they have expensive items. She will always be looking to find the cheapest deals possible for the most high-end items she can find.
3. She blames you for her own flaws
If your girlfriend constantly beats herself up over her shortcomings, then she’s just being human. But if she blames you for her own shortcomings, that’s a serious problem. Nobody is perfect, and a good partner will recognize their own flaws and work on them. Your girlfriend should be trying to improve herself at all times — not blaming you for the fact that she’s not perfect.
4.She Thinks The World Revolves Around Her.
Everybody has had a friend who thinks they’re the center of the universe at some point in their life. They might have been fun to hang out with when you were young, but now that you’re older and wiser, it’s time to move on from those people. If your girlfriend acts like the world revolves around her, you need to get out of there! She’ll never be truly happy until she starts realizing that other people exist as well.
5.Section: She always plays the victim.
She’s never to blame for whatever goes wrong in her life — it’s always someone else’s fault. It could be her friends, her parents or even the people who cut her off in traffic that morning, but it’s never her responsibility.
6.She expects things without working for them.
She expects you to pay for dinner every time and buy her expensive gifts while still complaining that you don’t do enough for her
7.She doesn’t like surprises
You are not the only one in your relationship. You have to take your partner’s feelings into consideration. And if she is a diva, her feelings are more important than yours (at least in her mind).
Let’s say you want to surprise her with a trip or a party. Well, if she is a diva, it will be very difficult for you to achieve this goal because she will want to plan everything herself and will not tolerate any surprises. If you try to make her happy by surprising her anyway, there is a good chance that your “surprise” won’t go as you planned and will leave both of you unhappy and stressed.
8. She has a list of things you’re not allowed to talk about.
Divas can’t handle the truth, so they’ll get angry if you make comments about their weight, or use the wrong pronoun to describe their gender. They also want to portray themselves as perfect and untouchable, so they don’t want to hear about your problems. They only want to talk about how great they are.
9.They are constantly late.
There are times when being late is unavoidable. But if your partner has never shown up on time for any event in the history of your relationship, it could mean they have a problem with priorities. The world does not revolve around them, and the world should not stop for them, either.
10.They can be incredibly selfish.
If your partner only cares about themselves, then that’s a big problem. You’re supposed to be two halves of a whole, but if one person refuses to be considerate or kind, then this is a very toxic situation.
11. They’re never satisfied with anything.
They feel like they deserve the best at all times, so anything less is unacceptable. Even if you’re paying top dollar for something, it’s not good enough unless it’s literally flawless.
12.They have unreasonable demands.
Divas constantly ask for ridiculous things, from free stuff to personal favors. You probably feel like you always need to be on your toes, because they could request anything at any time and expect you to accommodate them.
13.They aren’t gracious or grateful for favors.
When you help them out with something, they usually don’t say “thank you.” Even if they do, it doesn’t seem genuine or heartfelt — it feels more like a formality that they don’t really mean. They might also get upset if you don’t drop everything to help them right away, even if it’s an inconvenience for you.
14.They make sure that everyone knows just how important they are.
Divas want to be treated like VIPs at all times, which means that even if you’re out at a restaurant for dinner, there’s a good chance your partner will give the host their card to make sure that they get proper treatment. Anything less than the best isn’t good enough for them.
15. They’re always taking photos of themselves.
As much as you might find it annoying when someone is constantly taking selfies and trying out new filters on their photos, it’s what divas do best. They have to make sure that everyone knows just how good they look at all times, and they won’t stop until they get the perfect shot to post online.
If one or more of these are true, you may be in a relationship with a diva. Don’t get discouraged: it is not always a negative thing to have a diva in your life. Doing the things that make her feel special and valued can go a long way towards having her return the favor toward you. That is what relationships are all about; being there for each other without asking anything in return, just doing it because you know that one day you might need someone to do the same for you.