Do you often find yourself making dating mistakes? Are you tired of making the same embarrassing and enraging slip-ups that can quickly sabotage your chances at love? If so, you are definitely not alone. For many men, the simple task of finding love is fraught with missteps, miscues, and miscalculations. In fact, it is estimated that more than 90% of all men screw up when trying to date women. But why happens this? Is this just pure coincidence? Of course not. The answer is entirely simpler than you might think: men make very basic dating mistakes because they don’t have a clue about what women want.
1. Going for the wrong type of woman
This one is pretty basic and obvious, but it happens a lot more often than it should. It’s important to be able to identify what you like in a woman — not just physical characteristics but personality types as well — so you don’t waste time going out with women who just aren’t right for you. Doing so will only lead to frustration, disappointment or heartache.
2. You’re coming on too strong
This is a big one, guys. Totally understandable, though. You’ve just met a new woman, and whether you’re looking for something serious or simply someone to have fun with, you want to make a good impression. So you do what any normal person would do — try to impress her with your charm and charisma and wit. And then you talk her ear off about yourself and every little thing you’ve ever done while also peppering her with questions, hoping to get to know everything there is to know about her in the span of an hour.
But here’s the thing — while she may be impressed by your enthusiasm (and the fact that you talked the entire time), she won’t be impressed by what you actually said. At best, she’ll think that all you want is a chance to brag about yourself, and at worst, she may think that you’re trying too hard to impress her. She’ll especially think this if you’re talking about all your accomplishments, repeating yourself and/or asking question after question instead of giving her a chance to speak for herself.
The way the date works is pretty simple: You alternate between asking each other questions (no more than two or three at a time) and answering them
3. Being too obsessed with your ex
If you are still upset about your ex, then it is best to spend some time by yourself before you venture into the dating world. Your new date would definitely not be interested in listening to your tale of woe or complaints about how badly things ended in your previous relationship. If you are still angry with your ex and keep on comparing him or her with every person you meet, then this might prove to be a problem for you.
4. Being too needy.
This is probably one of the biggest mistakes that men commit when dating women. Women like their freedom and space and do not want to feel constantly attached at the hip with a man who claims he loves them. They want a man who is independent and self-sufficient. So, if you are constantly calling her or texting her, then she might get turned off by your behavior very soon.
5. Being insecure
Women like men who are confident and believe in themselves. So, if you have low self-esteem or have been rejected by women in the past, then you should work upon your confidence before going out to look for a date. Remember that women like confident men who are comfortable in their own skin and do not need a woman’s approval.
6. Being too much the “nice guy”.
This is a very common problem among men who want to date women. They want to be nice and get along with everyone, so they tell women exactly what they think they want to hear. This is a huge mistake! All it does is either show her you’re a liar, or that you’re so desperate for her attention that you’ll do anything she says. Instead of doing this, try being yourself. If she doesn’t like who you really are, then she’s not the right girl for you anyway! The key here is to be honest with women, while still being respectful and kind.
7.Being too available.
Most people want what they can’t have. If you’re constantly available, they’ll take that as a sign they don’t need to go out of their way to make plans with you or show how much they care. It’s important to have a life outside your relationship — in addition to spending quality time together — so don’t drop everything every time your partner wants to hang out.
8. Treating dates as an interview process where you are the boss.
Everyone has their own idea of the perfect partner, but if you spend all your time trying to mold him into what you want, it won’t work out well. Instead of focusing on his flaws, concentrate on the good — especially the things that attracted you to him in the first place!
9. Treating dates as an interview process where you are the boss.
Everyone has their own idea of the perfect partner, but if you spend all your time trying to mold him into what you want, it won’t work out well. Instead of focusing on his flaws, concentrate on the good — especially the things that attracted you to him in the first place!
If you’re a guy and you want to get better at dating women and getting women to like you, the above list of mistakes will be of great help. It’s all too easy to make girl mistakes when you don’t really know how to date women or where to meet them, but if you avoid these common errors, then you’ll be seeing prettier faces in no time!