This article is based on women’s mistakes and what their men won’t accept from them that causes these men to leave them. I will help you avoid the same mistakes women, just like you, have been making for a long time so that you can start fixing your relationship with your man.
Section: 1. Not listening to what he has to say
If you don’t listen to your man, it’s likely that he will feel like you aren’t interested in his life or in him. This can make him feel unimportant and unloved. He will feel like he isn’t being heard or understood, which will cause him to disengage. He knows you have a good heart and that you love him, but if you don’t give him the space to be heard, he will feel ignored and walk away.
Section: 2. Talking too much
Men like to talk as much as women do, but they don’t communicate in the same way. Men tend to talk about facts and goals, and they prefer not to dwell on emotions or discuss details of something that has already happened.
They also think with their logic more than their emotions, so talking too much about your feelings makes him feel uncomfortable.
Section: 3. Being angry a lot of the time
No one wants to be around someone who is always angry or negative. It’s draining for everyone involved. If this behavior is not addressed, it will push people away until there are no people left around to be angry at. It’s hard enough when we’re having a bad day; it’s much harder when we’re always having a bad day.
Section: 4. Excessive flirting
In a relationship, you are meant to be with each other. You are a unit and not someone else’s prize. But some girls do not seem to understand this. They keep on flirting with every guy they cross paths with and it is a turn off for most men. Some guys might not mind but most will and you will have to accept that. So either stop flirting with everyone or get ready for the consequences.
Section: 5. Being too needy or clingy
Men like to feel needed; they want to feel like a hero who saves his princess from distress. However, they don’t want to feel like they’re your only hero — someone you depend on for everything. It’s not flattering; it’s exhausting. So being needy and clingy is a big turn-off for them.
section: 6. Texting a lot
This one is mainly for guys who are insecure or jealous and can’t handle when their girlfriends are constantly texting other guys. They think it means she doesn’t have time for him or that she must like someone else because she’s always texting him. If your boyfriend is this type of guy, maybe he deserves someone who can only think about him all day long.
section: 7.Being overly dependent
We’re all human, we need each other and there’s nothing wrong with needing someone for support or guidance. But being super clingy is never a good thing. It makes you seem insecure and desperate, which is definitely not attractive.
section: 8. Always being jealous
Men don’t like women who are constantly jealous, especially over little things like the way they talk to their female best friend or how they talk about their exes. If you’re always getting upset over these types of things, chances are he’s going to get fed up with it and leave.
section: 9. When you make decisions for him, not consulting with him
Do men like being told what to do? Not in general, but maybe when it comes to certain things. It’s okay if you want to pick out his clothes because you feel you have better taste, or if you want him to try a certain dish at a restaurant because you think he will love it. But men hate feeling like they’re being controlled, so if you’re making other decisions for your man without consulting him first, it won’t be long until he leaves.
section:10. Being too much of a people-pleaser
Some women think that if they keep their man happy all the time and never say no, he’ll never leave them. Unfortunately, that’s not true at all! When this happens, men actually lose respect for their woman and end up resenting them since they’d rather avoid an argument than say something that may make their woman mad.
section:11. Being too much of a people-pleaser
Some women think that if they keep their man happy all the time and never say no, he’ll never leave them. Unfortunately, that’s not true at all! When this happens, men actually lose respect for their woman and end up resenting them since they’d rather avoid an argument than say something that may make their woman mad.
section:12.Being bossy.
Every couple has different preferences in terms of who does what around the house, but it’s important that both partners feel equally invested in their home environment. Everyone has their own way of doing things, so try not to be too controlling about how tasks are performed. For example, if you have a specific “system” for folding laundry or organizing the kitchen cupboards, let it go … or at least let your partner do things his way once in a while (as long as he’s not breaking anything). Remember that being a little flexible helps keep things fair!
section:13.Being insecure
Guys want a girl who is confident and feels good about herself. It can be very unattractive to them if you are constantly questioning yourself and your abilities in everything you do just because you lack confidence in yourself. Guys want someone who is self-assured and will not let others get down on her! They also want someone who trusts them and doesn’t question where they are going or what they are doing when they aren’t together.
Whether of not you chose to accept these behaviors from women is ultimately up to you. But at least know the underlying reasons why they may cause men to leave, so that you can work on those areas of your relationship with a man and create a bond that lasts.