It can sometimes be difficult to find love. Luckily, they make dating apps now. Unfortunately, a lot of people still only go on first dates. For many, this is the biggest mistake you can make because screening out certain types of women is vital for success. To do that, you need to know exactly what men’s dating dealbreakers about women are!
1. A Woman Who’s Clingy
One of the very worst things about being in a relationship is when your girlfriend or wife becomes overly needy or clingy. If she wants you to constantly be around her so she doesn’t feel alone, then she’s going overboard and creating problems for your relationship. This could lead to fights and ultimately breakups if it becomes too much for you to handle.
2. A Woman Without Any Friends
A man may not consciously realize that a woman without friends is a woman who will eventually make his life miserable. But men are looking for women who have networks of people they can rely on for emotional support, and women without friends are probably going to be needy and demanding. If she doesn’t have friends, she’s more likely to expect that from him.
3. A Woman Who’s Stubborn
Stubbornness is not attractive. If he tells you that the movie you wanted to see is sold out and suggests another one instead, don’t push it and insist on seeing your original movie choice. Guys don’t like it when girls are set on their own ideas and won’t listen to reason. If he offers a suggestion for dinner and you don’t like his choice, offer another option rather than saying no outright. Men like women who are willing to compromise and consider other options so they don’t feel like they’re always being shot down.
4. She’s not financially secure.
If she doesn’t have the means to support herself, she will be too dependent on her man for financial support. No man wants to feel like he is the sole financial provider for someone else. A woman who relies on her man for everything is also very likely to cheat on him as well.
5. She uses tobacco.
Even if a man is an active smoker, he may not want to date someone who also has this habit. If the man is a passive smoker, he definitely isn’t going to want to date someone who regularly smokes. This can be one of the easiest dealbreakers for a man because he can easily determine whether the woman smokes or not before he even talks to her.
6. She drinks too much.
Some men are okay with a woman having a drink every now and then, but most men aren’t going to want to date someone who drinks heavily on a regular basis. If you can get drunk off of just one beer, it may be best not to go out drinking with your new guy until after you’ve become more established as a couple.
7. Poor fashion sense
A woman’s fashion sense is one of the first things that men notice about a woman. And it’s also a dealbreaker for some guys if they find that their girlfriend or potential girlfriend doesn’t have a good sense of fashion. If a guy sees a woman who he thinks has bad taste in clothes, he will probably think she has bad taste in everything else, too.
Women with no fashion sense are just not attractive to men because they don’t take care of themselves and don’t look like they put any effort into their appearance.
8. She’s extremely high-maintenance.
This is probably the easiest deal-break of all, because it’s so easy to spot in your potential partner. If she’s high maintenance at the beginning of the relationship, she’ll be high maintenance forever, and that means you’ll need to spend more money on her, which means she’ll want even more ridiculous crap (and will probably become even higher maintenance), and so on until you are living in a cave eating rocks and twigs just to pay for manicures and Jimmy Choo shoes. Too much work.
9. She’s not over her ex.
If you’re still hung-up on your ex, it’s going to bother us. There’s nothing more annoying than hearing someone go on and on about their previous partner, especially when we’ve just started dating. If you’re not over your ex, it shows that you are not ready for a new relationship anyway, so it is best for both of us if we stop seeing each other. It does not make either of us bad people; it just means that we would not work well together.
10. The “I-don’t-need-you” attitude or being too independent.
Don’t get me wrong, I love an independent woman who has her own life and hobbies but when she says that she has no time or need to make our relationship a priority, I will have to say goodbye to her because I need someone who wants to spend time with me, who is willing to make some sacrifices in order to see each other more often and someone who will be there for me when I need her.
11. She’s not feminine enough.
Don’t get me wrong, I definitely appreciate and admire core strength and physical fitness in a woman. However, it is important for me to be with someone who is also feminine, who dresses like a lady and makes an effort to appear as such for her man.
12. She’s a party girl.
A woman who likes to drink and hang out late into the night isn’t a good match for most guys — even if they’re also partying types. They want someone who can be their partner in life, not just their partner in crime.
13. She has a wandering eye.
If she’s checking out other guys while you’re together, that’s not a good sign. In fact, if you see her being overly flirtatious with other men when she’s hanging out with you, that could be a problem. Even if she’s just being friendly, it could give you the wrong idea about what she really wants.
Let’s be clear: no one is perfect. But there are these dealbreakers, and we should know them. Nobody is worth your time and attention if they don’t fit your idea of what a partner should be. So today, when you chat with the cute girl, make sure to ask them these questions—if they are true dealbreakers for you. Then you will never find yourself in an awkward situation as before.