If you’re looking for a list of things that men will only do for women they are actually in love with, then you’ve found it. This is a list of things that I know men will only do for the woman they’re in love with.
1. Apologise
He admits when he’s wrong and apologises for it. Even if it was something small or something that didn’t matter, he will still apologise for making you feel sad or stressed out because of his actions. He wants you to know that he will never intentionally hurt your feelings or do anything to make you upset, so if he does mess up, he wants to make sure it doesn’t happen again by clearing the air and apologising.
2. Puts his phone down
He’s been texting with his friends all day and he doesn’t care. He wants your attention, not theirs. You mean more to him than anyone else in the world. You are his everything and he will treat you like it. He will put down his phone when you are talking to him because he wants to listen to what you have to say. He wants to give you the attention that you deserve.
3.He Shares The Details Of His Day With You
He wants you to hear about his day even if it was boring as hell. He tells you about the little things that happened at work or school because he knows that they will make you smile — or even laugh out loud. He doesn’t just talk about how much money he made or how high his test scores were. Instead, he shares the details that actually matter, the small things that prove how much he cares about you.
4. He’ll make the effort to see you
No guy who really likes a girl is going to let her slip through his fingers because of scheduling issues. If a guy is really into a girl, he’s going to do whatever it takes to see her. He’ll rearrange his schedule, change his plans and move things around so that he can make sure that they get some time together.
5. He’ll be honest with you
When a guy loves a girl, he wants nothing more than for her to trust him — and the way he shows her how much he cares is by being honest with her. If she asks him a question or wants advice, he doesn’t want to lie to her or tell her what she wants to hear; he wants to give her the truth so that she knows just how much she means to him.
6. He tells you everything.
No matter what the topic or situation may be, he is completely honest with you and tells you everything that is on his mind. He wants to ensure that you two are open and honest with each other, so you can get through any issue that comes your way. If a man is comfortable enough to tell you everything, it means you’re in an exclusive relationship with him.
7.He cooks for you.
When a man loves a woman, he wants to make sure she gets the best of everything — even if it’s just a home-cooked meal. You probably have been cooking for him all this time, so this is his way of returning the favor and showing his appreciation for all the time you spent making him feel like a king in the kitchen.
8. He is always willing to learn new things with you
He is always willing to learn new things with you. Men usually tend to be stuck in their ways, and it can be very difficult for them to accept that there might be a better way to do something. However, if a man loves you, he will not only try out your ideas but also consider them as viable options.
9. He brings you around his friends and family
It is safe to say that if a man brings you around his friends and family, then he loves you and sees a future with you. He wants to show off the beautiful creature he has found to those closest to him. He wants them to meet you and see what an amazing person you really are. If a man introduces you to his inner circle, then it is time for you to realize that he wants you in his life forever.
10. He makes sure that your needs come first
A man who truly loves a woman will always make sure her needs come first no matter what. If there is something that she needs, he will do everything in his power to help her get it. A man who is head over heels for a woman will always want her comfort level above his own because making her happy makes him happy as well.
11. He will make a fool out of himself to make you laugh.
A guy who’s in love will do anything to put a smile on your face, even if it means making a fool out of himself. If it’s worth it to see you smile, he won’t hesitate — and he won’t care what anyone else thinks about it. If being silly around you makes him happy, he won’t worry about looking cool or impressing his friends when they’re around.
12. He will actually cuddle with you.
He doesn’t just see you as a friend with benefits because he likes to do more than just hook up with you. He wants to do the little things that couples do and he enjoys spending time with you in general, so cuddling comes naturally. If a man is willing to cuddle with you, hold your hand in public and kiss you randomly throughout the day, then he genuinely loves being around you and wants everyone to know it.
These are the key things that make her happy, and you do them because you love her. It’s as simple as that. If you want your relationship to last, do these things for her, be willing to do anything for her, and always treat her better than anyone ever will or could.