Every woman, at some point in their life may be prone to making one of the mistakes that are listed here. Keep in mind however, that these are also common mistakes made by men as well. So if you’re a man reading this article, don’t fool yourself or let the women reading it fool you either.
1.They Don’t Date
They get into a relationship and stop dating the guy. They forget about going out, just the two of them, being alone with him.
Sometime after the honeymoon phase, the relationship becomes an obligation — a chore. You have to see your boyfriend because you’re in a relationship. You have to keep doing things with him or else he’ll think you’re not interested anymore. You have to do things to prove your love or else he’ll think you don’t care. And it goes on and on like this until one day you realize, “I’m not happy.”
The truth is it’s not your boyfriend you’re unhappy with, it’s your relationship. You’ve stopped having fun together because everything has become a chore.
2.They Don’t Be Honest With Themselves
They will often put up a front, pretending to be happy when they really aren’t happy at all. This can lead to problems down the road because it will make the relationship seem like it’s less than what it actually is.
The second biggest mistake women make in relationships is not being honest about their feelings for their partner. They will often act like they don’t care about their partner and pretend to be someone else just so they can get away with things.
The third biggest mistake women make in relationships is not being honest with themselves about their own faults. They will often feel guilty or ashamed of something they have done, but they won’t tell anyone because they don’t want anyone else to know about it.
The fourth biggest mistake women make in relationships is not being honest with themselves about the way their partner makes them feel. They will often try to ignore how bad things are going.
3. They Give Up Too Soon
The most common mistake I see women make that leads to failed relationships is giving up too soon. They end a relationship prematurely with a good man who really loves them and want them in their lives.
Women must learn to communicate clearly what they need out of the relationship so the man can understand. Men don’t assume or read our mind. We have to come right out and tell them what we want if we are not happy and they will do whatever they can to please us if they love us.
4.Not Setting Boundaries
This is the biggest mistake women make in relationships — not setting boundaries. When you’re dating someone new, you need to set boundaries from the very beginning. Boundaries are guidelines: They tell people how they can treat you, what they can say to you and what they can expect from you. If you don’t set boundaries with people, they will cross your boundaries without realizing it because no one knows what your boundaries are except for you.
5.They Don’t Value Themselves
Women often act and dress to please men. But to get what you want in life, you have to put yourself first. How can a man value you if you don’t value yourself? To get a man to “chase” you, he needs the challenge of pursuing something that’s hard to capture. Show him that you’re not always available and willing to drop everything, because then he’ll think he can take you for granted. If a guy wants something from you, make him earn it. Don’t just give it to him. The same rule goes for sex: If a guy won’t wait for it, he doesn’t respect you.
6.They Get Too Serious Too Fast
You’ve probably heard that opposites attract — but they also butt heads and drive each other crazy. If your boyfriend is a yin to your yang and vice versa, then you should probably be afraid. Instead of jumping into a relationship to fix the person or fill some void inside of yourself, just be friends first and see where it goes from there.
7. Letting Him Have All The Power
In a relationship, there can be a lot of power struggles. We all want to feel like we have some sort of control over our partner and the relationship. But sometimes, in the pursuit of this, we might find ourselves going too far.
Many times when women get into relationships where they feel they don’t have power, they often try to take over the relationship in order to achieve that feeling. If you are constantly trying to control everything your man does in fear that he will make a bad decision or get upset with you, then you are probably guilty of this mistake.
Learning how to compromise is key in any relationship. As soon as you realize that you do not have absolute control over everything your man does, making this compromise will become much easier for you. So let him have his guy time and let him go out with his friends without worrying about what he’s doing or who he’s with.
8. Putting Too Much On One Person
The most common mistake I see women make is putting too much on their partner and then getting resentful when he can’t carry it all. We expect our partner to make us feel beautiful, confident, desired and loved. And we expect them to make us laugh and turn us on. We want them to think we’re smart, funny and sexy. All of that is a lot to put on one person (especially if you’re also expecting him to take out the garbage and manage your schedule).
9. Waiting For Him To Come To You
This is one of the biggest mistakes I see women making in relationships all the time. They sit back and wait for him to come to them with his feelings or his thoughts or his emotions or whatever it is they want from him. Then they get upset when he doesn’t do what they want or what they think he should do.
10.Attempting To Change Him
A woman may believe that she can change her man and make him the way she wants him to be. But trying to change your partner is one of the biggest mistakes women make in relationships. You can’t change who someone is and you don’t want to force someone to change who they are for you.
Just think about if you were with a guy who was trying to control everything you did and tried to get you to be someone else. You would feel trapped, suffocated, and unhappy. So why would you want to do that to your guy?
Relationships are not easy. If they were, everyone would be in a happy one. However our mistakes are what shape us and make us better lovers and people. These tips might not be able to save a doomed relationship that you’re in, but it’s our hope that they will help you avoid making the same mistakes we have made.