I am single. I have never been in a relationship and don’t plan on getting into one any time soon. I’m not saying it’s for everyone. I’m just saying this is the path that works best for me. Over the years, I have learned from experience that the world would have me feel ashamed of my single status by judging me or attempting to change who I am to fit in with the “norm”. So today, I want to explain why you should NEVER have to defend your choice to be single.
1.You don’t want to be judged by others.
This is a particularly common reason why some young people choose to remain single despite having many opportunities for relationships. People who are still in school may only be focused on their studies, so they don’t have much time for a relationship. They also might avoid dating because they’re concerned about being judged by their peers for dating someone who isn’t popular or attractive, even if it isn’t true.
2.You don’t want to deal with drama from a relationship.
Dating can be very exciting and fun, but it can also cause stress and drama that you’d rather not deal with at all. You might find it easier to keep your focus on something else, like your career or education goals, rather than dealing with the pressure of keeping a relationship healthy and happy. Instead of focusing on one person, you can focus on other things in your life that make you happy and help you grow as an individual.
3.You have more me time.
Being in a relationship can be great, but it is nice taking time for yourself without having to worry about another person. You can lie in bed all day or take a trip somewhere without having to worry about what anyone else wants. When you’re single, you have more time for your own life.
4.You’re figuring out what you want.
When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to rely on the other person for support and love. But when you’re single, you only have to answer to yourself and what makes you happy. You get more done when you are not worrying about someone else’s needs but rather your own needs first.
5.You save money.
Relationships cost money, whether it’s going out on a date or buying gifts for the other person throughout the year. And let’s be real: Those gifts add up quickly! When you’re single, you can spend your money on whatever you want, even if that means putting it into savings.
6.You’re not single and sad.
You’re not single because there’s something wrong with you. You’re not single because your standards are too high or because you can’t let go of the past or because you haven’t met the right person yet.
7.You Don’t Need To Keep A List Of Excuses Ready
Whenever people ask me why I’m still single, I always feel like I need to justify my relationship status and come up with a laundry list of reasons that are acceptable to the person asking me the question. The reality is that there’s no reason why someone needs to be in a relationship — it’s simply a matter of choice. There may not be one specific reason as to why you’re still single, and that’s OK. If you’re happy being single, then there’s no reason why you should feel pressured into being in a relationship just because society says so. In fact, it might be good for you!
8.ou don’t have to be looking for love to find it IRL.
So, no, you won’t meet your future spouse at the grocery store this week — or maybe even this year — but that doesn’t mean you’re doomed forever. You might just get a promotion and start working more hours. You may travel, or move cities and lose touch with friends. The thing is, life happens whether we plan for it or not. We can’t control when we’ll cross paths with someone we actually want to date, but we can control how open we are to the possibility of meeting them, let alone getting close enough to know whether or not they’re worth pursuing as a partner.
9.You don’t have to explain why you’re single.
While it might be tempting to tell everyone about your dating woes, you don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why you’re single. As I’ve grown older, I’ve realized that my relationships status is a big part of my personal identity and I’m very proud of being single.
The decision to be single is not one you should ever have to defend, to any human at any point in time. However, there’s nothing wrong with realizing that you’re single and being comfortable with that decision. Plus, it’s your life, so it’s not like anyone else can define your happiness.