Have you ever wondered how to know if you’re compatible with someone? Believe it or not, there are many signs that can tell you if a relationship will last. Here are some of the most interesting ones.
1.You Both Have Different Interests
. Sure, it’s nice to have some of the same interests and hobbies as your partner, but when your partner is the complete opposite of you, it makes life a lot more exciting. When I was younger, I dated guys who liked sports and music, basically all of my interests. It was fun at first but then got boring really fast. Nothing was eye-opening or new, so there really wasn’t anything to talk about or learn from each other. Now that I’m dating someone who has completely different interests than me, it’s so much more interesting. There’s always something new to talk about and learn from each other.
2. They’re A Positive Influence On Your Life
This can mean anything from making you feel less stressed out about things in your life, helping you put things into perspective, making your day brighter no matter what has happened, and encouraging you to pursue your goals.
3.Both Of You Are Willing To Work On It
Relationships take work, and when things get difficult, both partners need to be willing to do their part — even if it means taking a break, talking things through or seeking therapy. If neither person is willing to put in any effort, then your relationship is likely doomed to fail at some point down the line.
4.You Respect Each Other
Respect means not only accepting but valuing the person your partner is and where they come from. Mutual respect is important both in a relationship and in life in general. A lack of respect will cause resentment, distrust, and tension. If you can’t respect your partner’s opinions, feelings, or decisions, then it’s going to be tough to maintain a healthy relationship. Respect should be earned, but there shouldn’t be any conditions on it.
5.You have shared goals and values
If you don’t share common goals or values with your partner, then there may be some potential problems down the line that you’re going to have to work through (if you’re even able to). Being with someone who has different values than you do can
6.You Have A Similar Sense Of Humor
Humor is one of the most important things in a relationship. It’s what gets you through the rough patches and helps you laugh at the absurdities of life. If you have a similar sense of humor, that’s a sign that you’re compatible.
7.You Can Talk About Anything
One of the hallmarks of a good relationship is being able to talk to your partner about anything and everything, from deep thoughts to small talk to everything in between. If you can do that with someone, it’s a good sign that you’re on the same wavelength.
8.You Make Time For Them In Your Schedule
If you’re falling in love with someone, you will make the time to see them. You will rearrange your schedule to accommodate theirs, and vice versa, because you both value your time together. If you’re going a few days without seeing each other, you’ll keep that time open so that it’s available to spend with them. On the other hand, if you’re just dating someone casually, you won’t go out of your way to see them because there are other things in your life that are more important than this person — like friends or family.
9.You Can Be Completely Vulnerable Around Them
When it comes to love, being vulnerable is one of the most difficult things for some people. It’s not easy to show someone all of your flaws, mistakes and embarrassing moments. But when you’re in love, this doesn’t seem like such a big deal anymore. In fact, you’ll want them to know everything about you so they can truly accept who you are.
10.You both trust each other
Trust is another incredibly important part of a healthy relationship. You must have mutual trust in order to feel satisfied in your relationship and to feel safe with your partner emotionally and physically. Without trust, there can be no sense of intimacy or comfort in a relationship.
If you are in a new relationship, it can be hard to tell if you are compatible. Many people don’t want to admit they aren’t compatible and simply work at changing their mate. But you should know how to know if you are compatible with someone so that you can move on with your life if they simply aren’t right for you.