Have you ever been with a man who is hard to know what he’s thinking? It can be very frustrating, and it might drive you crazy. However, knowing how to find out if a man is hiding something from you can help you deal with the situation.
1.He doesn’t talk about the future.
If a man has something to hide, he’s going to be reluctant to make plans with you or discuss the future of your relationship. This is because he knows that eventually he’s going to have to tell you that he’s been hiding something, and if plans are already in place then you’re likely to end things with him much earlier than he’d like.
2.He starts acting strangely around you.
A man who is hiding something will often begin acting strangely around the person he’s keeping the secret from. He may jump every time his phone rings or get angry if you ask him what’s wrong or what he’s thinking about at any particular time. He may also seem nervous and jumpy when talking to you; this is because he knows that any minute now, his secret might come out and his world might fall apart as a result of it.
3. He acts shady around his phone.
If your boyfriend always leaves the room whenever the phone rings or jumps into action when his phone beeps with a text message, then there is a high probability that he is hiding something from you. This might go hand in hand with him suddenly developing a ‘need to know’ attitude towards his phone – which means that no one else gets to use it and no one else gets to touch it either.
He talks a lot about people who aren’t you to you. If your boyfriend is talking about another woman all the time — whether it’s an ex, a co-worker or even a family member — it could mean he has feelings for her and wants to tell you about them without crossing any lines.
4. He goes missing every now and then
If your boyfriend spends more time away than he does with you, chances are he is cheating on you. Yes, he has a job and he may have friends and family too, but if they all claim to be taking the bulk of his time then something must be wrong.
If he can’t make any time for you at all, but instead makes excuses whenever you ask him to spend some time with you, then it could be that his free time is actually spent with another woman.
5. He’s a little too generous.
The man who is cheating on you will almost always be extra nice to you, giving you gifts and compliments frequently. And he will do this in an attempt to mask his own guilt. Of course, this is not to say that every generous guy out there is a cheater, but rather that you should watch out for sudden changes in a man’s behavior toward you, especially if he has been distant or cold lately.
6. His life is a whirlwind of activity.
You never know when he will be home or where he will be going on any given night. Sometimes you might go days without seeing him at all, and then other times you see him every day of the week.
7. He gets defensive at the drop of a hat.
If your partner is hiding something from you, it could be that he’s overly sensitive to criticism — because criticism might reveal the very thing he’s trying to hide. For example, if you start asking questions about why he was in a certain neighborhood on a certain day, and he starts giving you a hard time for being “suspicious,” that could be an indication that there’s something suspicious going on.
8. He slips out when you’re upset.
If your guy seems to slip out when you get into an argument or seems to not want to take it to the next level until your emotions have cooled down, then he may be hiding something from you. In fact, it could mean that he’s hiding a whole other life from you. But whatever it is, one of the biggest signs that he’s hiding something from you is if he slips out when things get heated between the two of us.
9. He suddenly has an excuse for everything.
Has he been acting very suspicious lately? You may have asked him why he was looking at his phone all the time and he gave you an excuse such as “I’m checking my emails.” Perhaps you asked him why he was looking busy and he told you that work was stressful lately. Well, these excuses may be covering up something else. His behavior may be sketchy because he’s hiding something from you!
10. He Starts Little Lies
This is where it can get tricky. When a man becomes secretive about small things, there may be something bigger going on. Instead of jumping to conclusions, give him the benefit of the doubt at first. When you ask him how his day was, does he tell you? Or does he say it was fine, but then never offer any details? Does he come home from work at the same time every night or is there no telling when he will walk through your door?
When some men hide information from their significant others, they believe that they are protecting them from something. This may be true in some cases, but if this is a new habit for your man and it’s making you feel uncomfortable, then let him know it’s time to be open with each other.
If his lies start getting bigger and more elaborate, then it’s time to ask yourself if this relationship is worth fighting for at all.
11. He Has Nothing To Say About His Day
If you ask your man about his day, and he gives you short answers such as “I’m fine” or “nothing happened,” then this is a sign that he could be hiding something from you.
A man who is proud of his relationship with his lady will want to tell her about what he has been up to during the day, even if there was nothing exciting going on.
Are you in love with someone? There’s no guarantee that this man is being truthful to you. Before you jump into a relationship with him, be sure to take the time to follow these steps in order to get the information you need about where he has been and what he has been up too. If a man is hiding something from you, there is no need to worry. After all, following these steps can help you feel confident about where the relationship could go.