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Why Men Don’t Call When They Say They Will

You’ve given a guy your number and he told you he’d call…but the phone doesn’t ring. He could be out partying with his friends, or may just not be interested in having a conversation with you. As hard as it is to hear, oftentimes guys really aren’t interested and won’t call when they promise they will.

 1.They’re playing the field.

Men who are seeing multiple women at the same time may conveniently forget about plans made with one woman, because they have another date with another woman! After all, if she calls him on it, he can just say he forgot. Men who do this might even forget themselves and accidentally call the wrong girl.

2. They’re not interested.

This is the most common reason they give you the brush-off: They just can’t muster up enough interest to get off their duff and pick up the phone. It’s easier to come up with an excuse than to admit they’re just not into you. They aren’t interested in pursuing a relationship right now. If he purposely didn’t give you his number or information about himself, then it could be that he’s trying to stay single for a while (or until someone else comes along). Or maybe he’s waiting for something better to come along, like his ex calling him back. He doesn’t have your number or other contact information. You’ve been standing there staring at each other for five minutes, talking about how you don’t have each other’s numbers

3.They don’t have time in their schedule.

Sometimes people say things like “I’ll call you this weekend” as a way to end an interaction or conversation without giving an explicit no. If this is the case, then that person isn’t being malicious — they just didn’t want to hurt your feelings by saying no right away. If someone did this with you, don’t take it personally — just move on and find someone else to date (and maybe put a little more thought into how you approach new people). They have bad communication habits (or yours are worse).

4.He doesn’t remember.

Men have a lot on their minds at any given point in time, and it’s easy for a man to forget he promised to call if he’s distracted by work or other responsibilities.

5.They have a fear of commitment.

If a relationship starts getting serious, some men get cold feet and try to distance themselves before things go too far. This can take many forms, one of which is not calling when he says he will.

6.They have no idea what they want.

Some men have a difficult time making decisions. It’s not that they don’t know what they want; it’s more like they don’t know how to commit to something until they’re really sure it’s what they want. They need more time to think it through before they make the move to pursue a relationship with you.

7. His friends may tell him not to call you after a first date.

The most common reason why men don’t call after a first date may be because they’ve been told not to by their friends. If your date spent time talking about how crazy his friends are, chances are good that they’ve been giving him dating advice that isn’t helpful. He’s likely being told not to show too much interest in you and that if he appears overly eager or desperate it will turn you off and make it seem like he doesn’t have other options for women in his life.

8. He prefers texting over calling and wants to know how serious you are before committing to a phone call or date.

If a man wants to know whether you’re serious about a relationship or if you’re just looking for a fling, he may wait to see how long it takes for you to call him first. If you reach out by phone several times without hearing back from him, he may decide that you’re not the one for him. On the other hand, if you play hard to get and never contact him first, he may assume that you’re too busy or too cool for him and decide that it’s simply not worth the effort.

9. He doesn’t want to come off as a stalker or needy.

Men are taught from an early age not to be effeminate or “girl-like” in any way, which includes being emotional and showing feelings. They may feel as if calling you the day after the date makes them appear needy or desperate, and don’t want you to think of them that way.

10.He really doesn’t want to call.

This is the most common reason that men don’t call when they say they will. They make plans and then do not follow through. When this happens, a woman may question her own worth and wonder if there is something wrong with her. She may try to figure out what she did wrong or what she could have done differently to get him to call. There isn’t anything that she could have done differently because he just did not want to call her. It was his choice.

Section: He decides he does not want to pursue things any further with you.

When a man does not call after he says that he will, he is choosing not to pursue you any further. Maybe there are things about you that he found unattractive or maybe he just did not feel enough connection with you to continue pursuing a relationship with you. Whatever the reason, it is a way of letting you know that he is not interested in furthering the relationship at this time. If you find yourself asking why men don’t call, there are many possible answers but “he didn’t like me” is one of them and it’s best to accept it and move on as soon as possible.

There are many possible reasons men don’t call when they say they will. Most of which can be traced back to one simple, and yet significant issue: lack of respect. If a man really likes someone, he won’t keep her hanging for days, second-guessing how she feels about him. He won’t toy with her emotions, or lead her on. If you feel that a man is contacting you as much as you would like, but he isn’t actually putting any effort into it, try pulling away for a little bit and see how he reacts. He’ll call you in no time at all if he really wants you—and if he doesn’t, then it’s probably because he just wanted to use you and discard you when he had his fill of your company.

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Why Men Don’t Call When They Say They Will

You’ve given a guy your number and he told you he’d call…but the phone doesn’t ring. He could be out partying with his friends, or may just not be interested in having a conversation with you. As hard as it is to hear, oftentimes guys really aren’t interested and won’t call when they promise they will.

 1.They’re playing the field.

Men who are seeing multiple women at the same time may conveniently forget about plans made with one woman, because they have another date with another woman! After all, if she calls him on it, he can just say he forgot. Men who do this might even forget themselves and accidentally call the wrong girl.

2. They’re not interested.

This is the most common reason they give you the brush-off: They just can’t muster up enough interest to get off their duff and pick up the phone. It’s easier to come up with an excuse than to admit they’re just not into you. They aren’t interested in pursuing a relationship right now. If he purposely didn’t give you his number or information about himself, then it could be that he’s trying to stay single for a while (or until someone else comes along). Or maybe he’s waiting for something better to come along, like his ex calling him back. He doesn’t have your number or other contact information. You’ve been standing there staring at each other for five minutes, talking about how you don’t have each other’s numbers

3.They don’t have time in their schedule.

Sometimes people say things like “I’ll call you this weekend” as a way to end an interaction or conversation without giving an explicit no. If this is the case, then that person isn’t being malicious — they just didn’t want to hurt your feelings by saying no right away. If someone did this with you, don’t take it personally — just move on and find someone else to date (and maybe put a little more thought into how you approach new people). They have bad communication habits (or yours are worse).

4.He doesn’t remember.

Men have a lot on their minds at any given point in time, and it’s easy for a man to forget he promised to call if he’s distracted by work or other responsibilities.

5.They have a fear of commitment.

If a relationship starts getting serious, some men get cold feet and try to distance themselves before things go too far. This can take many forms, one of which is not calling when he says he will.

6.They have no idea what they want.

Some men have a difficult time making decisions. It’s not that they don’t know what they want; it’s more like they don’t know how to commit to something until they’re really sure it’s what they want. They need more time to think it through before they make the move to pursue a relationship with you.

7. His friends may tell him not to call you after a first date.

The most common reason why men don’t call after a first date may be because they’ve been told not to by their friends. If your date spent time talking about how crazy his friends are, chances are good that they’ve been giving him dating advice that isn’t helpful. He’s likely being told not to show too much interest in you and that if he appears overly eager or desperate it will turn you off and make it seem like he doesn’t have other options for women in his life.

8. He prefers texting over calling and wants to know how serious you are before committing to a phone call or date.

If a man wants to know whether you’re serious about a relationship or if you’re just looking for a fling, he may wait to see how long it takes for you to call him first. If you reach out by phone several times without hearing back from him, he may decide that you’re not the one for him. On the other hand, if you play hard to get and never contact him first, he may assume that you’re too busy or too cool for him and decide that it’s simply not worth the effort.

9. He doesn’t want to come off as a stalker or needy.

Men are taught from an early age not to be effeminate or “girl-like” in any way, which includes being emotional and showing feelings. They may feel as if calling you the day after the date makes them appear needy or desperate, and don’t want you to think of them that way.

10.He really doesn’t want to call.

This is the most common reason that men don’t call when they say they will. They make plans and then do not follow through. When this happens, a woman may question her own worth and wonder if there is something wrong with her. She may try to figure out what she did wrong or what she could have done differently to get him to call. There isn’t anything that she could have done differently because he just did not want to call her. It was his choice.

Section: He decides he does not want to pursue things any further with you.

When a man does not call after he says that he will, he is choosing not to pursue you any further. Maybe there are things about you that he found unattractive or maybe he just did not feel enough connection with you to continue pursuing a relationship with you. Whatever the reason, it is a way of letting you know that he is not interested in furthering the relationship at this time. If you find yourself asking why men don’t call, there are many possible answers but “he didn’t like me” is one of them and it’s best to accept it and move on as soon as possible.

There are many possible reasons men don’t call when they say they will. Most of which can be traced back to one simple, and yet significant issue: lack of respect. If a man really likes someone, he won’t keep her hanging for days, second-guessing how she feels about him. He won’t toy with her emotions, or lead her on. If you feel that a man is contacting you as much as you would like, but he isn’t actually putting any effort into it, try pulling away for a little bit and see how he reacts. He’ll call you in no time at all if he really wants you—and if he doesn’t, then it’s probably because he just wanted to use you and discard you when he had his fill of your company.

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